» ucloud_lb_ssl

Provides a Load Balancer SSL certificate resource.

» Example Usage

resource "ucloud_lb_ssl" "example" {
    name = "tf-example-lb-ssl"
    private_key = "${file("test-fixtures/private.key")}"
    user_cert = "${file("test-fixtures/user.crt")}"
    ca_cert = "${file("test-fixtures/ca.crt")}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Optional) The name of the LB ssl, which contains 1-63 characters and only support Chinese, English, numbers, '-', '_', '.'. If not specified, terraform will autogenerate a name beginning with tf-lb-ssl.
  • private_key - (Required) The content of the private key about ssl certificate.
  • user_cert - (Required) The content of the user certificate about ssl certificate.
  • ca_cert - (Optional) The content of the CA certificate about ssl certificate.

» Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • create_time - The time of creation for lb ssl, formatted in RFC3339 time string.