» vault_gcp_auth_backend_role

Provides a resource to create a role in an GCP auth backend within Vault.

» Example Usage

resource "vault_auth_backend" "gcp" {
    path = "gcp"
    type = "gcp"

resource "vault_gcp_auth_backend_role" "gcp" {
    backend                = "${vault_auth_backend.cert.path}"
    project_id             = "foo-bar-baz"
    bound_service_accounts = ["database-server@foo-bar-baz.iam.gserviceaccount.com"]
    policies               = ["database-server"]


» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • role - (Required) Name of the GCP role

  • type - (Required) Type of GCP authentication role (either gce or iam)

  • project_id - (Optional; Deprecated, use bound_projects instead) GCP Project that the role exists within

  • bound_projects - (Optional) An array of GCP project IDs. Only entities belonging to this project can authenticate under the role.

  • ttl - (Optional) Default TTL of tokens issued by the backend

  • max_ttl - (Optional) Maximum TTL of tokens issued by the backend

  • period - (Optional) Duration in seconds for token. If set, the issued token is a periodic token.

  • policies - (Optional) Policies to grant on the issued token

  • backend - (Optional) Path to the mounted GCP auth backend

  • bound_service_accounts - (Optional) GCP Service Accounts allowed to issue tokens under this role. (Note: Required if role is iam)

» iam-only Parameters

  • max_jwt_exp - (Optional) The number of seconds past the time of authentication that the login param JWT must expire within. For example, if a user attempts to login with a token that expires within an hour and this is set to 15 minutes, Vault will return an error prompting the user to create a new signed JWT with a shorter exp. The GCE metadata tokens currently do not allow the exp claim to be customized.

  • allow_gce_inference - (Optional) A flag to determine if this role should allow GCE instances to authenticate by inferring service accounts from the GCE identity metadata token.

» gce-only Parameters

The following parameters are only valid when the role is of type "gce":

  • bound_zones - (Optional) The list of zones that a GCE instance must belong to in order to be authenticated. If bound_instance_groups is provided, it is assumed to be a zonal group and the group must belong to this zone.

  • bound_regions - (Optional) The list of regions that a GCE instance must belong to in order to be authenticated. If bound_instance_groups is provided, it is assumed to be a regional group and the group must belong to this region. If bound_zones are provided, this attribute is ignored.

  • bound_instance_groups - (Optional) The instance groups that an authorized instance must belong to in order to be authenticated. If specified, either bound_zones or bound_regions must be set too.

  • bound_labels - (Optional) A comma-separated list of GCP labels formatted as "key:value" strings that must be set on authorized GCE instances. Because GCP labels are not currently ACL'd, we recommend that this be used in conjunction with other restrictions.

  • bound_projects - (Optional) GCP Projects that the role exists within

For more details on the usage of each argument consult the Vault GCP API documentation.

» Attribute Reference

No additional attributes are exposed by this resource.