» vcd_network_direct

Provides a vCloud Director Org VDC Network directly connected to an external network. This can be used to create, modify, and delete internal networks for vApps to connect.

Supported in provider v2.0+

» Example Usage

resource "vcd_network_direct" "net" {
  org = "my-org" # Optional
  vdc = "my-vdc" # Optional

  name             = "my-net"
  external_network = "my-ext-net"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • org - (Optional; v2.0+) The name of organization to use, optional if defined at provider level. Useful when connected as sysadmin working across different organisations
  • vdc - (Optional; v2.0+) The name of VDC to use, optional if defined at provider level
  • name - (Required) A unique name for the network
  • external_network - (Required) The name of the external network.
  • shared - (Optional) Defines if this network is shared between multiple vDCs in the vOrg. Defaults to false.