» vcd_org

Provides a vCloud Director Org resource. This can be used to create and delete an organization. Requires system administrator privileges.

Supported in provider v2.0+

» Example Usage

provider "vcd" {
  user     = "${var.admin_user}"
  password = "${var.admin_password}"
  org      = "System"
  url      = "https://AcmeVcd/api"

resource "vcd_org" "my-org" {
  name             = "my-org"
  full_name        = "My organization"
  description      = "The pride of my work"
  is_enabled       = "true"
  delete_recursive = "true"
  delete_force     = "true"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) Org name
  • full_name - (Required) Org full name
  • delete_recursive - (Required) - pass delete_recursive=true as query parameter to remove an organization or VDC and any objects it contains that are in a state that normally allows removal.
  • delete_force - (Required) - pass delete_force=true and delete_recursive=true to remove an organization or VDC and any objects it contains, regardless of their state.
  • is_enabled - (Optional) - True if this organization is enabled (allows login and all other operations). Default is true.
  • description - (Optional) - Org description. Default is empty.
  • deployed_vm_quota - (Optional) - Maximum number of virtual machines that can be deployed simultaneously by a member of this organization. Default is unlimited (-1)
  • stored_vm_quota - (Optional) - Maximum number of virtual machines in vApps or vApp templates that can be stored in an undeployed state by a member of this organization. Default is unlimited (-1)
  • can_publish_catalogs - (Optional) - True if this organization is allowed to share catalogs. Default is true.
  • delay_after_power_on_seconds - (Optional) - Specifies this organization's default for virtual machine boot delay after power on. Default is 0.

» Sources