» vcd_vapp

Provides a vCloud Director vApp resource. This can be used to create, modify, and delete vApps.

» Example Usage

Example with more than one VM under a vApp.

resource "vcd_network_direct" "net" {
  name             = "net"
  external_network = "corp-network"

resource "vcd_vapp" "web" {
  name = "web"

  depends_on = ["vcd_network_direct.net"]

resource "vcd_vapp_vm" "web1" {
  vapp_name     = "${vcd_vapp.web.name}"
  name          = "web1"
  catalog_name  = "Boxes"
  template_name = "lampstack-1.10.1-ubuntu-10.04"
  memory        = 2048
  cpus          = 1

  network_name = "net"
  ip           = ""

  depends_on = ["vcd_vapp.web"]

resource "vcd_vapp_vm" "web2" {
  vapp_name     = "${vcd_vapp.web.name}"
  name          = "web2"
  catalog_name  = "Boxes"
  template_name = "lampstack-1.10.1-ubuntu-10.04"
  memory        = 2048
  cpus          = 1

  network_name = "net"
  ip           = ""

  depends_on = ["vcd_vapp.web"]

» Example of vApp with single VM

Not recommended in v2.0+ : in the earlier version of the provider it was possible to define a vApp with a single VM in one resource, but it is not recommended as of v2.0+ provider. Please define vApp and VM in separate resources instead.

resource "vcd_network_routed" "net" {
  # ...

resource "vcd_vapp" "web" {
  name          = "web"
  catalog_name  = "Boxes"
  template_name = "lampstack-1.10.1-ubuntu-10.04"
  memory        = 2048
  cpus          = 1

  network_name = "${vcd_network.net.name}"
  ip           = ""

  metadata {
    role    = "web"
    env     = "staging"
    version = "v1"

  ovf {
    hostname = "web"

  depends_on = ["vcd_network_routed.net"]

» Example of Empty vApp with no VMs

resource "vcd_network_routed" "net" {
  # ...

resource "vcd_vapp" "web" {
  name = "web"

  depends_on = ["vcd_network_routed.net"]

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) A unique name for the vApp
  • catalog_name - (Optional) The catalog name in which to find the given vApp Template
  • template_name - (Optional) The name of the vApp Template to use
  • memory - (Optional) The amount of RAM (in MB) to allocate to the vApp
  • cpus - (Optional) The number of virtual CPUs to allocate to the vApp
  • initscript (Optional) A script to be run only on initial boot
  • network_name - (Optional) Name of the network this vApp should join
  • network_href - (Deprecated) The vCloud Director generated href of the network this vApp should join. If empty it will use the network name and query vCloud Director to discover this
  • ip - (Optional) The IP to assign to this vApp. Must be an IP address or one of dhcp, allocated or none. If given the address must be within the static_ip_pool set for the network. If left blank, and the network has dhcp_pool set with at least one available IP then this will be set with DHCP.
  • metadata - (Optional) Key value map of metadata to assign to this vApp
  • ovf - (Optional) Key value map of ovf parameters to assign to VM product section
  • power_on - (Optional) A boolean value stating if this vApp should be powered on. Default is true
  • org - (Optional; v2.0+) The name of organization to use, optional if defined at provider level. Useful when connected as sysadmin working across different organisations
  • vdc - (Optional; v2.0+) The name of VDC to use, optional if defined at provider level
  • accept_all_eulas - (Optional; v2.0+) Automatically accept EULA if OVA has it. Default is true