.. _extend_faq: ========================================= Extending Theano: FAQ and Troubleshooting ========================================= I wrote a new Op/Type, and weird stuff is happening... ------------------------------------------------------ First, check the :ref:`op_contract` and the :ref:`type_contract` and make sure you're following the rules. Then try running your program in :ref:`using_debugmode`. DebugMode might catch something that you're not seeing. I wrote a new optimization, but it's not getting used... --------------------------------------------------------- Remember that you have to register optimizations with the :ref:`optdb` for them to get used by the normal modes like FAST_COMPILE, FAST_RUN, and DebugMode. I wrote a new optimization, and it changed my results even though I'm pretty sure it is correct. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First, check the :ref:`op_contract` and make sure you're following the rules. Then try running your program in :ref:`using_debugmode`. DebugMode might catch something that you're not seeing.