.. _profilemode: ================================================ :mod:`profilemode` -- profiling Theano functions ================================================ .. module:: profilemode :platform: Unix, Windows :synopsis: profiling Theano functions with ProfileMode .. moduleauthor:: LISA Guide ===== .. note:: ProfileMode is deprecated. Use :attr:`config.profile` instead. To profile a Theano graph, a special mode called ProfileMode, must be passed as an argument when compiling your graph. Using ProfileMode is a three-step process. Creating a ProfileMode Instance ------------------------------- First create a ProfileMode instance. >>> import theano >>> from theano import ProfileMode >>> profmode = theano.ProfileMode(optimizer='fast_run', linker=theano.gof.OpWiseCLinker()) The ProfileMode constructor takes as input an optimizer and a linker. Which optimizer and linker to use will depend on the application. For example, a user wanting to profile the Python implementation only, should use the gof.PerformLinker (or "py" for short). On the other hand, a user wanting to profile his graph using C implementations wherever possible should use the ``gof.OpWiseCLinker`` (or "c|py"). In the same manner, modifying which optimizer is passed to ProfileMode will decide which optimizations are applied to the graph, prior to profiling. Changing the optimizer should be especially useful when developing new graph optimizations, in order to evaluate their impact on performance. Also keep in mind that optimizations might change the computation graph a lot, meaning that you might not recognize some of the operations that are profiled (you did not use them explicitly but an optimizer decided to use it to improve performance or numerical stability). If you cannot easily relate the output of ProfileMode with the computations you defined, you might want to try setting optimizer to None (but keep in mind the computations will be slower than if they were optimized). Note that most users will want to use ProfileMode to optimize their graph and find where most of the computation time is being spent. In this context, 'fast_run' optimizer and ``gof.OpWiseCLinker`` are the most appropriate choices. Compiling your Graph with ProfileMode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once the ProfileMode instance is created, simply compile your graph as you would normally, by specifying the mode parameter. .. testsetup:: import theano input1, input2 = theano.tensor.scalars(2) output1 = input1+input2 >>> # with functions >>> f = theano.function([input1,input2],[output1], mode=profmode) Retrieving Timing Information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once your graph is compiled, simply run the program or operation you wish to profile, then call ``profmode.print_summary()``. This will provide you with the desired timing information, indicating where your graph is spending most of its time. This is best shown through an example. Lets use the example of logistic regression. (Code for this example is in the file ``benchmark/regression/regression.py``.) Compiling the module with ProfileMode and calling ``profmode.print_summary()`` generates the following output: .. code-block:: python """ ProfileMode.print_summary() --------------------------- local_time 0.0749197006226 (Time spent running thunks) Apply-wise summary: (, ) 0.069 15 _dot22 0.064 1 _dot22 0.053 0 InplaceDimShuffle{x,0} 0.049 2 InplaceDimShuffle{1,0} 0.049 10 mul 0.049 6 Elemwise{ScalarSigmoid{output_types_preference=}}[(0, 0)] 0.049 3 InplaceDimShuffle{x} 0.049 4 InplaceDimShuffle{x,x} 0.048 14 Sum{0} 0.047 7 sub 0.046 17 mul 0.045 9 sqr 0.045 8 Elemwise{sub} 0.045 16 Sum 0.044 18 mul ... (remaining 6 Apply instances account for 0.25 of the runtime) Op-wise summary: 0.139 * mul 0.134 * _dot22 0.092 * sub 0.085 * Elemwise{Sub{output_types_preference=}}[(0, 0)] 0.053 * InplaceDimShuffle{x,0} 0.049 * InplaceDimShuffle{1,0} 0.049 * Elemwise{ScalarSigmoid{output_types_preference=}}[(0, 0)] 0.049 * InplaceDimShuffle{x} 0.049 * InplaceDimShuffle{x,x} 0.048 * Sum{0} 0.045 * sqr 0.045 * Sum 0.043 * Sum{1} 0.042 * Elemwise{Mul{output_types_preference=}}[(0, 1)] 0.041 * Elemwise{Add{output_types_preference=}}[(0, 0)] 0.039 * Elemwise{Second{output_types_preference=}}[(0, 1)] ... (remaining 0 Ops account for 0.00 of the runtime) (*) Op is running a c implementation """ .. note:: ***TODO*** The following text was recovered from a recent version of the source file... hopefully things haven't gotten too out-of-sync! The first show an Apply-wise summary, the second show an Op-wise summary, the third show an type-Op-wise summary. The Apply-wise summary print the timing information for the worst offending Apply nodes. This corresponds to individual Op applications within your graph which take the longest to execute (so if you use dot twice, you will see two entries there). The Op-wise summary print the execution time of all Apply nodes executing the same Op are grouped together and the total execution time per Op is shown (so if you use dot twice, you will see only one entry there corresponding to the sum of the time spent in each of them). If two Op have different hash value, they will be separate. The type-Op-wise summary group the result by type of op. So event if two Op have different hash value, they will be merged. Their is an hack with the Op-wise summary. Go see it if you want to know more. The summary has two components to it. In the first section called the Apply-wise summary, timing information is provided for the worst offending Apply nodes. This corresponds to individual Op applications within your graph which take the longest to execute (so if you use ``dot`` twice, you will see two entries there). In the second portion, the Op-wise summary, the execution time of all Apply nodes executing the same Op are grouped together and the total execution time per Op is shown (so if you use ``dot`` twice, you will see only one entry there corresponding to the sum of the time spent in each of them). Note that the ProfileMode also shows which Ops were running a c implementation. Developers wishing to optimize the performance of their graph should focus on the worst offending Ops and Apply nodes -- either by optimizing an implementation, providing a missing C implementation, or by writing a graph optimization that eliminates the offending Op altogether. You should strongly consider emailing one of our lists about your issue before spending too much time on this. Reference ========= .. class:: ProfileMode(Mode) .. method:: print_summary(n_apply_to_print=None, n_ops_to_print=None) Print three summaries to stdout that show where cpu time is spent during theano function executions (for all functions using this object instance). :param n_apply_to_print: the number of apply nodes to print. The default 15, but can be configured via ``ProfileMode.n_ops_to_print`` in :envvar:`THEANO_FLAGS`. :param n_ops_to_print: the number of ops to print. Default 20, or but can be configured via ``ProfileMode.n_apply_to_print`` in :envvar:`THEANO_FLAGS`. :returns: None .. method:: print_diff_summary(self, other, n_apply_to_print=None, n_ops_to_print=None): """ As print_summary, but print the difference on two different profile mode. TODO: Also we don't print the Apply-wise summary as it don't work for now. TODO: make comparaison with gpu code. :param other: the other instance of ProfileMode that we want to be compared to. :param n_apply_to_print: the number of apply nodes to print. The default 15, but can be configured via ``ProfileMode.n_ops_to_print`` in :envvar:`THEANO_FLAGS`. :param n_ops_to_print: the number of ops to print. Default 20, or but can be configured via ``ProfileMode.n_apply_to_print`` in :envvar:`THEANO_FLAGS`. :returns: None