.. _lib_scan: ================================ :mod:`scan` -- Looping in Theano ================================ Guide ===== The scan functions provides the basic functionality needed to do loops in Theano. Scan comes with many whistles and bells, which we will introduce by way of examples. Simple loop with accumulation: Computing :math:`A^k` ----------------------------------------------------- Assume that, given *k* you want to get ``A**k`` using a loop. More precisely, if *A* is a tensor you want to compute ``A**k`` elemwise. The python/numpy code might look like: .. code-block:: python result = 1 for i in xrange(k): result = result * A There are three things here that we need to handle: the initial value assigned to ``result``, the accumulation of results in ``result``, and the unchanging variable ``A``. Unchanging variables are passed to scan as ``non_sequences``. Initialization occurs in ``outputs_info``, and the accumulation happens automatically. The equivalent Theano code would be: .. testcode:: import theano import theano.tensor as T k = T.iscalar("k") A = T.vector("A") # Symbolic description of the result result, updates = theano.scan(fn=lambda prior_result, A: prior_result * A, outputs_info=T.ones_like(A), non_sequences=A, n_steps=k) # We only care about A**k, but scan has provided us with A**1 through A**k. # Discard the values that we don't care about. Scan is smart enough to # notice this and not waste memory saving them. final_result = result[-1] # compiled function that returns A**k power = theano.function(inputs=[A,k], outputs=final_result, updates=updates) print power(range(10),2) print power(range(10),4) .. testoutput:: [ 0. 1. 4. 9. 16. 25. 36. 49. 64. 81.] [ 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00 1.60000000e+01 8.10000000e+01 2.56000000e+02 6.25000000e+02 1.29600000e+03 2.40100000e+03 4.09600000e+03 6.56100000e+03] Let us go through the example line by line. What we did is first to construct a function (using a lambda expression) that given ``prior_result`` and ``A`` returns ``prior_result * A``. The order of parameters is fixed by scan: the output of the prior call to ``fn`` (or the initial value, initially) is the first parameter, followed by all non-sequences. Next we initialize the output as a tensor with same shape and dtype as ``A``, filled with ones. We give ``A`` to scan as a non sequence parameter and specify the number of steps ``k`` to iterate over our lambda expression. Scan returns a tuple containing our result (``result``) and a dictionary of updates (empty in this case). Note that the result is not a matrix, but a 3D tensor containing the value of ``A**k`` for each step. We want the last value (after ``k`` steps) so we compile a function to return just that. Note that there is an optimization, that at compile time will detect that you are using just the last value of the result and ensure that scan does not store all the intermediate values that are used. So do not worry if ``A`` and ``k`` are large. Iterating over the first dimension of a tensor: Calculating a polynomial ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In addition to looping a fixed number of times, scan can iterate over the leading dimension of tensors (similar to Python's ``for x in a_list``). The tensor(s) to be looped over should be provided to scan using the ``sequence`` keyword argument. Here's an example that builds a symbolic calculation of a polynomial from a list of its coefficients: .. testcode:: import numpy coefficients = theano.tensor.vector("coefficients") x = T.scalar("x") max_coefficients_supported = 10000 # Generate the components of the polynomial components, updates = theano.scan(fn=lambda coefficient, power, free_variable: coefficient * (free_variable ** power), outputs_info=None, sequences=[coefficients, theano.tensor.arange(max_coefficients_supported)], non_sequences=x) # Sum them up polynomial = components.sum() # Compile a function calculate_polynomial = theano.function(inputs=[coefficients, x], outputs=polynomial) # Test test_coefficients = numpy.asarray([1, 0, 2], dtype=numpy.float32) test_value = 3 print calculate_polynomial(test_coefficients, test_value) print 1.0 * (3 ** 0) + 0.0 * (3 ** 1) + 2.0 * (3 ** 2) .. testoutput:: 19.0 19.0 There are a few things to note here. First, we calculate the polynomial by first generating each of the coefficients, and then summing them at the end. (We could also have accumulated them along the way, and then taken the last one, which would have been more memory-efficient, but this is an example.) Second, there is no accumulation of results, we can set ``outputs_info`` to ``None``. This indicates to scan that it doesn't need to pass the prior result to ``fn``. The general order of function parameters to ``fn`` is:: sequences (if any), prior result(s) (if needed), non-sequences (if any) Third, there's a handy trick used to simulate python's ``enumerate``: simply include ``theano.tensor.arange`` to the sequences. Fourth, given multiple sequences of uneven lengths, scan will truncate to the shortest of them. This makes it safe to pass a very long arange, which we need to do for generality, since arange must have its length specified at creation time. Simple accumulation into a scalar, ditching lambda -------------------------------------------------- Although this example would seem almost self-explanatory, it stresses a pitfall to be careful of: the initial output state that is supplied, that is ``outputs_info``, must be of a **shape similar to that of the output variable** generated at each iteration and moreover, it **must not involve an implicit downcast** of the latter. .. testcode:: import numpy as np import theano import theano.tensor as T up_to = T.iscalar("up_to") # define a named function, rather than using lambda def accumulate_by_adding(arange_val, sum_to_date): return sum_to_date + arange_val seq = T.arange(up_to) # An unauthorized implicit downcast from the dtype of 'seq', to that of # 'T.as_tensor_variable(0)' which is of dtype 'int8' by default would occur # if this instruction were to be used instead of the next one: # outputs_info = T.as_tensor_variable(0) outputs_info = T.as_tensor_variable(np.asarray(0, seq.dtype)) scan_result, scan_updates = theano.scan(fn=accumulate_by_adding, outputs_info=outputs_info, sequences=seq) triangular_sequence = theano.function(inputs=[up_to], outputs=scan_result) # test some_num = 15 print(triangular_sequence(some_num)) print([n * (n + 1) // 2 for n in xrange(some_num)]) .. testoutput:: [ 0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66 78 91 105] [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78, 91, 105] Another simple example ---------------------- Unlike some of the prior examples, this one is hard to reproduce except by using scan. This takes a sequence of array indices, and values to place there, and a "model" output array (whose shape and dtype will be mimicked), and produces a sequence of arrays with the shape and dtype of the model, with all values set to zero except at the provided array indices. .. testcode:: location = T.imatrix("location") values = T.vector("values") output_model = T.matrix("output_model") def set_value_at_position(a_location, a_value, output_model): zeros = T.zeros_like(output_model) zeros_subtensor = zeros[a_location[0], a_location[1]] return T.set_subtensor(zeros_subtensor, a_value) result, updates = theano.scan(fn=set_value_at_position, outputs_info=None, sequences=[location, values], non_sequences=output_model) assign_values_at_positions = theano.function(inputs=[location, values, output_model], outputs=result) # test test_locations = numpy.asarray([[1, 1], [2, 3]], dtype=numpy.int32) test_values = numpy.asarray([42, 50], dtype=numpy.float32) test_output_model = numpy.zeros((5, 5), dtype=numpy.float32) print(assign_values_at_positions(test_locations, test_values, test_output_model)) .. testoutput:: [[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 42. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]] [[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 50. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]] This demonstrates that you can introduce new Theano variables into a scan function. .. _lib_scan_shared_variables: Using shared variables - Gibbs sampling --------------------------------------- Another useful feature of scan, is that it can handle shared variables. For example, if we want to implement a Gibbs chain of length 10 we would do the following: .. testsetup:: scan1 import theano import numpy W_values = numpy.random.random((2, 2)) bvis_values = numpy.random.random((2,)) bhid_values = numpy.random.random((2,)) .. testcode:: scan1 import theano from theano import tensor as T W = theano.shared(W_values) # we assume that ``W_values`` contains the # initial values of your weight matrix bvis = theano.shared(bvis_values) bhid = theano.shared(bhid_values) trng = T.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams(1234) def OneStep(vsample) : hmean = T.nnet.sigmoid(theano.dot(vsample, W) + bhid) hsample = trng.binomial(size=hmean.shape, n=1, p=hmean) vmean = T.nnet.sigmoid(theano.dot(hsample, W.T) + bvis) return trng.binomial(size=vsample.shape, n=1, p=vmean, dtype=theano.config.floatX) sample = theano.tensor.vector() values, updates = theano.scan(OneStep, outputs_info=sample, n_steps=10) gibbs10 = theano.function([sample], values[-1], updates=updates) The first, and probably most crucial observation is that the updates dictionary becomes important in this case. It links a shared variable with its updated value after k steps. In this case it tells how the random streams get updated after 10 iterations. If you do not pass this update dictionary to your function, you will always get the same 10 sets of random numbers. You can even use the ``updates`` dictionary afterwards. Look at this example : .. testsetup:: scan2 import theano .. testcode:: scan2 a = theano.shared(1) values, updates = theano.scan(lambda: {a: a+1}, n_steps=10) In this case the lambda expression does not require any input parameters and returns an update dictionary which tells how ``a`` should be updated after each step of scan. If we write : .. testcode:: scan2 b = a + 1 c = updates[a] + 1 f = theano.function([], [b, c], updates=updates) print(b) print(c) print(a.get_value()) .. testoutput:: scan2 :hide: Elemwise{add,no_inplace}.0 Elemwise{add,no_inplace}.0 1 We will see that because ``b`` does not use the updated version of ``a``, it will be 2, ``c`` will be 12, while ``a.value`` is ``11``. If we call the function again, ``b`` will become 12, ``c`` will be 22 and ``a.value`` 21. If we do not pass the ``updates`` dictionary to the function, then ``a.value`` will always remain 1, ``b`` will always be 2 and ``c`` will always be ``12``. The second observation is that if we use shared variables ( ``W``, ``bvis``, ``bhid``) but we do not iterate over them (ie scan doesn't really need to know anything in particular about them, just that they are used inside the function applied at each step) you do not need to pass them as arguments. Scan will find them on its own and add them to the graph. However, passing them to the scan function is a good practice, as it avoids Scan Op calling any earlier (external) Op over and over. This results in a simpler computational graph, which speeds up the optimization and the execution. To pass the shared variables to Scan you need to put them in a list and give it to the ``non_sequences`` argument. Here is the Gibbs sampling code updated: .. testcode:: scan1 W = theano.shared(W_values) # we assume that ``W_values`` contains the # initial values of your weight matrix bvis = theano.shared(bvis_values) bhid = theano.shared(bhid_values) trng = T.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams(1234) # OneStep, with explicit use of the shared variables (W, bvis, bhid) def OneStep(vsample, W, bvis, bhid): hmean = T.nnet.sigmoid(theano.dot(vsample, W) + bhid) hsample = trng.binomial(size=hmean.shape, n=1, p=hmean) vmean = T.nnet.sigmoid(theano.dot(hsample, W.T) + bvis) return trng.binomial(size=vsample.shape, n=1, p=vmean, dtype=theano.config.floatX) sample = theano.tensor.vector() # The new scan, with the shared variables passed as non_sequences values, updates = theano.scan(fn=OneStep, outputs_info=sample, non_sequences=[W, bvis, bhid], n_steps=10) gibbs10 = theano.function([sample], values[-1], updates=updates) .. _lib_scan_strict: Using shared variables - the strict flag ---------------------------------------- As we just saw, passing the shared variables to scan may result in a simpler computational graph, which speeds up the optimization and the execution. A good way to remember to pass every shared variable used during scan is to use the ``strict`` flag. When set to true, scan assumes that all the necessary shared variables in ``fn`` are passed as a part of ``non_sequences``. This has to be ensured by the user. Otherwise, it will result in an error. Using the previous Gibbs sampling example: .. testcode:: scan1 # The new scan, using strict=True values, updates = theano.scan(fn=OneStep, outputs_info=sample, non_sequences=[W, bvis, bhid], n_steps=10, strict=True) If you omit to pass ``W``, ``bvis`` or ``bhid`` as a ``non_sequence``, it will result in an error. Multiple outputs, several taps values - Recurrent Neural Network with Scan -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The examples above showed simple uses of scan. However, scan also supports referring not only to the prior result and the current sequence value, but also looking back more than one step. This is needed, for example, to implement a RNN using scan. Assume that our RNN is defined as follows : .. math:: x(n) = \tanh( W x(n-1) + W^{in}_1 u(n) + W^{in}_2 u(n-4) + W^{feedback} y(n-1) ) y(n) = W^{out} x(n- 3) Note that this network is far from a classical recurrent neural network and might be useless. The reason we defined as such is to better illustrate the features of scan. In this case we have a sequence over which we need to iterate ``u``, and two outputs ``x`` and ``y``. To implement this with scan we first construct a function that computes one iteration step : .. testsetup:: scan3 import theano from theano import tensor as T .. testcode:: scan3 def oneStep(u_tm4, u_t, x_tm3, x_tm1, y_tm1, W, W_in_1, W_in_2, W_feedback, W_out): x_t = T.tanh(theano.dot(x_tm1, W) + \ theano.dot(u_t, W_in_1) + \ theano.dot(u_tm4, W_in_2) + \ theano.dot(y_tm1, W_feedback)) y_t = theano.dot(x_tm3, W_out) return [x_t, y_t] As naming convention for the variables we used ``a_tmb`` to mean ``a`` at ``t-b`` and ``a_tpb`` to be ``a`` at ``t+b``. Note the order in which the parameters are given, and in which the result is returned. Try to respect chronological order among the taps ( time slices of sequences or outputs) used. For scan is crucial only for the variables representing the different time taps to be in the same order as the one in which these taps are given. Also, not only taps should respect an order, but also variables, since this is how scan figures out what should be represented by what. Given that we have all the Theano variables needed we construct our RNN as follows : .. testcode:: scan3 W = T.matrix() W_in_1 = T.matrix() W_in_2 = T.matrix() W_feedback = T.matrix() W_out = T.matrix() u = T.matrix() # it is a sequence of vectors x0 = T.matrix() # initial state of x has to be a matrix, since # it has to cover x[-3] y0 = T.vector() # y0 is just a vector since scan has only to provide # y[-1] ([x_vals, y_vals], updates) = theano.scan(fn=oneStep, sequences=dict(input=u, taps=[-4,-0]), outputs_info=[dict(initial=x0, taps=[-3,-1]), y0], non_sequences=[W, W_in_1, W_in_2, W_feedback, W_out], strict=True) # for second input y, scan adds -1 in output_taps by default Now ``x_vals`` and ``y_vals`` are symbolic variables pointing to the sequence of x and y values generated by iterating over u. The ``sequence_taps``, ``outputs_taps`` give to scan information about what slices are exactly needed. Note that if we want to use ``x[t-k]`` we do not need to also have ``x[t-(k-1)], x[t-(k-2)],..``, but when applying the compiled function, the numpy array given to represent this sequence should be large enough to cover this values. Assume that we compile the above function, and we give as ``u`` the array ``uvals = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]``. By abusing notations, scan will consider ``uvals[0]`` as ``u[-4]``, and will start scaning from ``uvals[4]`` towards the end. Conditional ending of Scan -------------------------- Scan can also be used as a ``repeat-until`` block. In such a case scan will stop when either the maximal number of iteration is reached, or the provided condition evaluates to True. For an example, we will compute all powers of two smaller then some provided value ``max_value``. .. testcode:: def power_of_2(previous_power, max_value): return previous_power*2, theano.scan_module.until(previous_power*2 > max_value) max_value = T.scalar() values, _ = theano.scan(power_of_2, outputs_info = T.constant(1.), non_sequences = max_value, n_steps = 1024) f = theano.function([max_value], values) print f(45) .. testoutput:: [ 2. 4. 8. 16. 32. 64.] As you can see, in order to terminate on condition, the only thing required is that the inner function ``power_of_2`` to return also the condition wrapped in the class ``theano.scan_module.until``. The condition has to be expressed in terms of the arguments of the inner function (in this case ``previous_power`` and ``max_value``). As a rule, scan always expects the condition to be the last thing returned by the inner function, otherwise an error will be raised. Optimizing Scan's performance ----------------------------- This section covers some ways to improve performance of a Theano function using Scan. Minimizing Scan usage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Scan makes it possible to define simple and compact graphs that can do the same work as much larger and more complicated graphs. However, it comes with a significant overhead. As such, when performance is the objective, a good rule of thumb is to perform as much of the computation as possible outside of Scan. This may have the effect of increasing memory usage but can also reduce the overhead introduces by using Scan. Explicitly passing inputs of the inner function to scan ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is possible, inside of Scan, to use variables previously defined outside of the Scan without explicitly passing them as inputs to the Scan. However, it is often more efficient to explicitly pass them as non-sequence inputs instead. Section :ref:`lib_scan_shared_variables` provides an explanation for this and section :ref:`lib_scan_strict` describes the *strict* flag, a tool that Scan provides to help ensure that the inputs to the function inside Scan have all been provided as explicit inputs to the ``scan()`` function. Deactivating garbage collecting in Scan ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Deactivating the garbage collection for Scan can allow it to reuse memory between executions instead of always having to allocate new memory. This can improve performance at the cost of increased memory usage. By default, Scan reuses memory between iterations of the same execution but frees the memory after the last iteration. There are two ways to achieve this, using the Theano flag ``config.scan.allow_gc`` and setting it to False, or using the argument ``allow_gc`` of the function theano.scan() and set it to False (when a value is not provided for this argument, the value of the flag ``config.scan.allow_gc`` is used). Graph optimizations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This one is simple but still worth pointing out. Theano is able to automatically recognize and optimize many computation patterns. However, there are patterns that Theano doesn't optimize because doing so would change the user interface (such as merging shared variables together into a single one, for instance). Additionaly, Theano doesn't catch every case that it could optimize and so it remains useful for performance that the user defines an efficient graph in the first place. This is also the case, and sometimes even more so, for the graph inside of Scan. This is because it will be executed many times for every execution of the Theano function that contains it. The `LSTM tutorial `_ on `DeepLearning.net `_ provides an example of an optimization that Theano cannot perform. Instead of performing many matrix multiplications between matrix :math:`x_t` and each of the shared matrices :math:`W_i`, :math:`W_c`, :math:`W_f` and :math:`W_o`, the matrices :math:`W_*`, are merged into a single shared matrix :math:`W` and the graph performs a single larger matrix multiplication between :math:`W` and :math:`x_t`. The resulting matrix is then sliced to obtain the results of that the small individual matrix multiplications would have produced. This optimization replaces several small and inefficient matrix multiplications by a single larger one and thus improves performance at the cost of a potentially higher memory usage. reference ========= .. automodule:: theano.scan_module .. autofunction:: theano.map .. autofunction:: theano.reduce .. autofunction:: theano.foldl .. autofunction:: theano.foldr .. autofunction:: theano.scan