Tests for twisted.conch.ssh.agent.

Class StubFactory Mock factory that provides the keys attribute required by the SSHAgentServerProtocol
Class AgentTestBase Tests for SSHAgentServer/Client.
Class ServerProtocolContractWithFactoryTests The server protocol is stateful and so uses its factory to track state across requests. This test asserts that the protocol raises if its factory doesn't provide the necessary storage for that state.
Class UnimplementedVersionOneServerTests Tests for methods with no-op implementations on the server. We need these for clients, such as openssh, that try v1 methods before going to v2.
Class CorruptServer A misbehaving server that returns bogus response op codes so that we can verify that our callbacks that deal with these op codes handle such miscreants.
Class ClientWithBrokenServerTests verify error handling code in the client using a misbehaving server
Class AgentKeyAdditionTests Test adding different flavors of keys to an agent.
Class AgentClientFailureTests No class docstring; 1/1 methods documented
Class AgentIdentityRequestsTests Test operations against a server with identities already loaded.
Class AgentKeyRemovalTests Test support for removing keys in a remote server.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.