Test cases covering twisted.python.filepath.

Class BytesTestCase Override default method implementations to support byte paths.
Class AbstractFilePathTests Tests for IFilePath implementations.
Class FakeWindowsPath A test version of FilePath which overrides listdir to raise WindowsError.
Class ListingCompatibilityTests These tests verify compatibility with legacy behavior of directory listing.
Class ExplodingFile A file-alike which raises exceptions from its I/O methods and keeps track of whether it has been closed.
Class TrackingFilePath A subclass of filepath.FilePath which maintains a list of all other paths created by clonePath.
Class ExplodingFilePath A specialized FilePath which always returns an instance of ExplodingFile from its open method.
Class PermissionsTests Test Permissions and RWX classes
Class FilePathTests Test various FilePath path manipulations.
Class SetContentTests Tests for FilePath.setContent.
Class UnicodeFilePathTests FilePath instances should have the same internal representation as they were instantiated with.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.