Unit tests for the Trial unit-testing framework.

Module detests Tests for Deferred handling by twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.
Module erroneous Definitions of test cases with various interesting error-related behaviors, to be used by test modules to exercise different features of trial's test runner.
Module mockcustomsuite Mock test module that contains a test_suite method. runner.TestLoader should load the tests from the test_suite, not from the Foo TestCase.
Module mockcustomsuite2 Mock test module that contains a testSuite method. runner.TestLoader should load the tests from the testSuite, not from the Foo TestCase.
Module mockcustomsuite3 Mock test module that contains both a test_suite and a testSuite method. runner.TestLoader should load the tests from the testSuite, not from the Foo TestCase nor from the test_suite method.
Module mockdoctest No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
Module moduleself Undocumented
Module moduletest Undocumented
Module novars Undocumented
Module ordertests Tests for handling of trial's --order option.
Module packages Classes and functions used by twisted.trial.test.test_util and twisted.trial.test.test_loader.
Module sample This module is used by test_loader to test the Trial test loading functionality. Do NOT change the number of tests in this module. Do NOT change the names the tests in this module.
Module scripttest Undocumented
Module skipping Definitions of test cases with various interesting behaviors, to be used by twisted.trial.test.test_tests and other test modules to exercise different features of trial's test runner.
Module suppression Test cases used to make sure that warning suppression works at the module, method, and class levels.
Module test_assertions Tests for assertions provided by SynchronousTestCase and TestCase, provided by twisted.trial.unittest.
Module test_asyncassertions Tests for async assertions provided by twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.
Module test_deferred Tests for returning Deferreds from a TestCase.
Module test_doctest Test Twisted's doctest support.
Module test_keyboard Tests for interrupting tests with Control-C.
Module test_loader Tests for loading tests by name.
Module test_log Test the interaction between trial and errors logged during test run.
Module test_output Tests for the output generated by trial.
Module test_plugins Tests for twisted.plugins.twisted_trial.
Module test_pyunitcompat No module docstring; 1/2 classes documented
Module test_reporter Tests for twisted.trial.reporter.
Module test_runner No module docstring; 18/24 classes documented
Module test_script No module docstring; 10/11 classes, 1/1 functions documented
Module test_suppression Tests for warning suppression features of Trial.
Module test_testcase Direct unit tests for twisted.trial.unittest.SynchronousTestCase and twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.
Module test_tests Tests for the behaviour of unit tests.
Module test_util Tests for twisted.trial.util
Module test_warning Tests for Trial's interaction with the Python warning system.
Module weird No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.