Tests for twisted.web.client.Agent and related new client APIs.

Class CustomOpenSSLTrustRoot Undocumented
Class StubHTTPProtocol A protocol like HTTP11ClientProtocol but which does not actually know HTTP/1.1 and only collects requests in a list.
Class FileConsumer Undocumented
Class FileBodyProducerTests Tests for the FileBodyProducer which reads bytes from a file and writes them to an IConsumer.
Class FakeReactorAndConnectMixin A test mixin providing a testable Reactor class and a dummy connect method which allows instances to pretend to be endpoints.
Class DummyEndpoint An endpoint that uses a fake transport.
Class BadEndpoint An endpoint that shouldn't be called.
Class DummyFactory Create StubHTTPProtocol instances.
Class HTTPConnectionPoolTests Tests for the HTTPConnectionPool class.
Class AgentTestsMixin Tests for any IAgent implementation.
Class IntegrationTestingMixin Transport-to-Agent integration tests for both HTTP and HTTPS.
Class StubEndpointFactory A stub IAgentEndpointFactory for use in testing.
Class AgentTests Tests for the new HTTP client API provided by Agent.
Class AgentMethodInjectionTests Test client.Agent against HTTP method injections.
Class AgentURIInjectionTests Test client.Agent against URI injections.
Class AgentHTTPSTests Tests for the new HTTP client API that depends on SSL.
Class WebClientContextFactoryTests Tests for the context factory wrapper for web clients twisted.web.client.WebClientContextFactory.
Class HTTPConnectionPoolRetryTests client.HTTPConnectionPool, by using client._RetryingHTTP11ClientProtocol, supports retrying requests done against previously cached connections.
Class CookieTestsMixin Mixin for unit tests dealing with cookies.
Class CookieJarTests Tests for twisted.web.client._FakeUrllib2Response and twisted.web.client._FakeUrllib2Request's interactions with cookielib.CookieJar instances.
Class CookieAgentTests Tests for twisted.web.client.CookieAgent.
Class Decoder1 A test decoder to be used by client.ContentDecoderAgent tests.
Class Decoder2 A test decoder to be used by client.ContentDecoderAgent tests.
Class ContentDecoderAgentTests Tests for client.ContentDecoderAgent.
Class SimpleAgentProtocol A Protocol to be used with an client.Agent to receive data.
Class ContentDecoderAgentWithGzipTests No class docstring; 5/5 methods documented
Class ProxyAgentTests Tests for client.ProxyAgent.
Class RedirectAgentTests Tests for client.RedirectAgent.
Class BrowserLikeRedirectAgentTests Tests for client.BrowserLikeRedirectAgent.
Class AbortableStringTransport A version of StringTransport that supports abortConnection.
Class DummyResponse Fake IResponse for testing readBody that captures the protocol passed to deliverBody and uses it to make a connection with a transport.
Class AlreadyCompletedDummyResponse A dummy response that has already had its transport closed.
Class ReadBodyTests Tests for client.readBody
Class HostnameCachingHTTPSPolicyTests No class docstring; 3/3 methods documented
Class RequestMethodInjectionTests Test client.Request against HTTP method injections.
Class RequestWriteToMethodInjectionTests Test client.Request.writeTo against HTTP method injections.
Class RequestURIInjectionTests Test client.Request against HTTP URI injections.
Class RequestWriteToURIInjectionTests Test client.Request.writeTo against HTTP method injections.
Class _RedirectAgentTestsMixin Test cases mixin for RedirectAgentTests and BrowserLikeRedirectAgentTests.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.