directoryHierarchySupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether or not directories can be created on this datastore.
nativeSnapshotSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether the datastore supports native snapshot feature which is
based on Copy-On-Write.
Since vSphere API 5.1
perFileThinProvisioningSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether or not the datastore supports thin provisioning on a per file
basis. When thin provisioning is used, backing storage is lazily allocated.
This is supported by VMFS3. VMFS2 always allocates storage eagerly. Thus, this
value is false for VMFS2. Most NAS systems always use thin provisioning.
They do not support configuring this on a per file basis, so for NAS systems
this value is also false.
rawDiskMappingsSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether or not raw disk mappings can be created on this datastore.
seSparseSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether the datastore supports the Flex-SE(SeSparse) feature.
Since vSphere API 5.5
storageIORMSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether the datastore supports Storage I/O Resource Management.
Since vSphere API 4.1
topLevelDirectoryCreateSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether the datastore supports traditional top-level
directory creation. See DatastoreNamespaceManager
Since vSphere API 5.5
upitSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether the datastore supports the upit feature.
Since vSphere API 6.5
vmfsSparseSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether the datastore supports the vmfsSparse feature.
True for VMFS3/VMFS5/NFS/NFS41, False for VMFS6.
If value is undefined, then it should be read as supported.
Since vSphere API 6.5
vsanSparseSupported | xsd:boolean |
Indicates whether the datastore supports the vsanSparse feature.
Since vSphere API 6.5
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |