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Enum - PerformanceManagerUnit(vim.PerformanceManager.CounterInfo.Unit)

Enum Description

Indicates the unit of measure represented by a counter or statistical value.

Enum Constants

joule Joules

Since vSphere API 4.1
kiloBytes Kilobytes.
kiloBytesPerSecond Kilobytes per second.
megaBytes Megabytes.
megaBytesPerSecond Megabytes per second.
megaHertz Megahertz.
microsecond The time in microseconds.

Since vSphere API 4.0
millisecond The time in milliseconds.
number A quantity of items, for example, the number of CPUs.
percent Percentage values in units of 1/100th of a percent. For example 100 represents 1%.
second The time in seconds.
teraBytes Terabytes.

Since vSphere API 6.0
watt Watts

Since vSphere API 4.1

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