congestionThreshold | xsd:int |
The latency beyond which the storage array is considered congested.
For more information, see
congestionThresholdMode | xsd:string |
Mode of congestion threshold specification
For more information, see
Since vSphere API 5.1
enabled | xsd:boolean |
Flag indicating whether or not the service is enabled.
percentOfPeakThroughput | xsd:int |
The percentage of peak throughput to be used for setting threshold latency
of a datastore. Valid values are between 50 to 100.
For more information, see
Since vSphere API 5.1
reservableIopsThreshold | xsd:int |
Storage DRS makes storage migration recommendations
if total IOPs reservation for all VMs running on the
datastore is higher than specified threshold value.
This value (if present) overrides
Since vSphere API 6.0
reservationEnabled | xsd:boolean |
Flag indicating whether IO reservations support is enabled.
Since vSphere API 6.0
statsAggregationDisabled | xsd:boolean |
Flag indicating whether stats aggregation is disabled.
Since vSphere API 5.0
statsCollectionEnabled | xsd:boolean |
Flag indicating whether the service is enabled in stats collection mode.
Since vSphere API 5.0
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |