changeVersion | xsd:long |
Optional field to indicate the change version. This will be required
to support VRP service spanning multiple VCs. Ideally it should be set
to 1 during the CreateVRP call.
cpuAllocation | VrpResourceAllocationInfo |
Cpu Resource specification (Reservation, ReservationLimit and Limit)
of the VRP.
description | xsd:string |
Description for this Virtual Resource Pool. If not supplied during
a call to CreateVRP, a default value would be provided.
hubList | ManagedObjectReference[]
to a
ManagedEntity[] |
List of member hubs belonging to this VRP. In the CreateVRP
call, a child resource pool will be created within every hub.
memoryAllocation | VrpResourceAllocationInfo |
Memory Resource specification (Reservation, ReservationLimit and Limit)
of the VRP.
rootVRP | xsd:boolean |
Flag that indicates if this is a default VRP (root VRP). If it is not
specified during the CreateVRP call, it is considered as false.
rpList | ManagedObjectReference[]
to a
ManagedEntity[] |
List of child resource pools belonging to this VRP. In the
CreateVRP call, parents of these resource pools will be considered as hubs.
staticVRP | xsd:boolean |
Flag that indicates whether resources should be flowed within the VRP.
Default is false. If set to true, there will be no resource flow.
vrpId | xsd:string |
Id of the Virtual Resource Pool. This is optional during a call to
CreateVRP. And if it is not specified, one would be generated
in the UUID format.
vrpName | xsd:string |
Name of the Virtual Resource Pool. If this is not specified during
a call to CreateVRP, one would be generated automatically.
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |