acknowledged | xsd:boolean |
Flag to indicate if the alarm's actions have been acknowledged for the
associated ManagedEntity.
Since vSphere API 4.0
acknowledgedByUser | xsd:string |
The user who acknowledged this triggering. If the triggering has not
been acknowledged, then the value is not valid.
Since vSphere API 4.0
acknowledgedTime | xsd:dateTime |
The time this triggering was acknowledged. If the triggering has not
been acknowledged, then the value is not valid.
Since vSphere API 4.0
alarm | ManagedObjectReference
to a
Alarm |
Alarm object from which the AlarmState object is instantiated.
entity | ManagedObjectReference
to a
ManagedEntity |
Entity on which the alarm is instantiated.
eventKey | xsd:int |
Contains the key of the event that has triggered the alarm. The value
is set only for event based alarms. The value is not set for gray or
manually reset alarms (via vim.AlarmManager.setAlarmStatus).
Since vSphere API 6.0
key | xsd:string |
Unique key that identifies the alarm.
overallStatus | ManagedEntityStatus |
Overall status of the alarm object.
This is the value of the alarm's top-level expression.
In releases after vSphere API 5.0, vSphere Servers might not
generate property collector update notifications for this property.
To obtain the latest value of the property, you can use
PropertyCollector methods RetrievePropertiesEx or WaitForUpdatesEx.
If you use the PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdatesEx method, specify
an empty string for the version parameter.
Since this property is on a DataObject, an update returned by WaitForUpdatesEx may
contain values for this property when some other property on the DataObject changes.
If this update is a result of a call to WaitForUpdatesEx with a non-empty
version parameter, the value for this property may not be current.
time | xsd:dateTime |
Time the alarm triggered.
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |