metric | PerfMetricId |
The instance of the metric.
operator | MetricAlarmOperator |
The operation to be tested on the metric.
red | xsd:int |
Whether or not to test for a red condition.
If not set, do not calculate red status.
If set, it contains the threshold value that triggers red status.
redInterval | xsd:int |
Time interval in seconds for which the red condition must be true
before the red status is triggered. If unset, the red status is
triggered immediately when the red condition becomes true.
Since vSphere API 4.0
type | xsd:string |
Name of the object type containing the property.
yellow | xsd:int |
Whether or not to test for a yellow condition.
If not set, do not calculate yellow status.
If set, it contains the threshold value that triggers yellow status.
yellowInterval | xsd:int |
Time interval in seconds for which the yellow condition must be true
before the yellow status is triggered. If unset, the yellow status is
triggered immediately when the yellow condition becomes true.
Since vSphere API 4.0
Properties inherited from AlarmExpression |
None |
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |