hostErrors | LocalizedMethodFault[] |
Information on why the system can not power on a Fault Tolerance
secondary virtual machine on specific hosts. Everything in the array
should be FtIssuesOnHost.
hostSelectionBy | FtIssuesOnHostHostSelectionType |
The host selection type
rootCause | LocalizedMethodFault |
The reason why powering on secondary failed.
vm | ManagedObjectReference
to a
VirtualMachine |
The primary virtual machine corresponding to the secondary that is to
be powered on
vmName | xsd:string |
The name of the primary virtual machine corresponding to the secondary
that is to be powered on.
Properties inherited from VmFaultToleranceIssue |
None |
Properties inherited from VimFault |
None |
Properties inherited from MethodFault |
faultCause, faultMessage |