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Enum - ReplicationVmConfigFaultReasonForFault(vim.fault.ReplicationVmConfigFault.ReasonForFault)

vSphere API 5.0

Enum Description

Enum Constants

cannotRetrieveVmReplicationConfiguration Could not retrieve the VM configuration
encryptedVm VM is encrypted

Since vSphere API 6.5
incompatibleHwVersion Incompatible VM hardware version
invalidDestinationIpAddress Invalid destination IP address
invalidDestinationPort Invalid destination port
invalidExtraVmOptions Malformed extra options list
invalidGenerationNumber Invalid generation number in VM's configuration
invalidPriorConfiguration The existing replication configuration of the VM is broken (applicable to re-configuration only).
invalidVmReplicationId Invalid VM Replication ID string
outOfBoundsRpoValue Invalid RPO value (out of bounds)
reconfigureVmReplicationIdNotAllowed Attempting to re-configure the VM replication ID
replicationAlreadyEnabled Attempting to re-enable replication for the VM
replicationConfigurationFailed Failed to commit the new replication properties for the VM.
replicationNotEnabled Attempting to re-configure or disable replication for a VM for which replication has not been enabled.
staleGenerationNumber Mis-matching generation number (stale)

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