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Enum - AutoStartWaitHeartbeatSetting(

Property of

Enum Description

Determines if the virtual machine should start after receiving a heartbeat, ignore heartbeats and start after the startDelay has elapsed, or follow the system default before powering on. When a virtual machine is next in the start order, the system either waits a specified period of time for a virtual machine to power on or it waits until it receives a successful heartbeat from a powered on virtual machine. By default, this is set to no.

Enum Constants

no The system does not wait to receive a heartbeat before powering on the next machine in the order. This is the default setting.
systemDefault The system uses the default value to determine whether or not to wait to receive a heartbeat before powering on the next machine in the order.
yes The system waits until receiving a heartbeat before powering on the next machine in the order.

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