eula | xsd:string[] |
End User Liceses Agreements.
installBootRequired | xsd:boolean |
Specifies whether the VM needs an initial boot before the deployment is complete.
Not relevant for vApps. This means that the value is always false when reading the
configuration and is ignored when setting the configuration.
If a vApp requires an install boot (because one of its VMs does), this is visible
on the installBootRequired field of the vApp.
installBootStopDelay | xsd:int |
Specifies the delay in seconds to wait for the VM to power off after the initial
boot (used only if installBootRequired is true). A value of 0 means wait forever.
Not relevant for vApps. This means that the value is always false when reading the
configuration and is ignored when setting the configuration.
ipAssignment | VAppIPAssignmentInfo |
IP assignment policy and DHCP support configuration.
ovfEnvironmentTransport | xsd:string[] |
List the transports to use for properties. Supported values are: iso and
ovfSection | VAppOvfSectionInfo[] |
List of uninterpreted OVF meta-data sections.
product | VAppProductInfo[] |
Information about the package content.
property | VAppPropertyInfo[] |
List of properties
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |