autoVmotion | xsd:boolean |
Information whether a virtual machine with this ConfigTarget can auto vmotion.
This field is only populated from an Environment browser obtained from a
virtual machine.
cdRom | VirtualMachineCdromInfo[] |
List of CD-ROM devices available for use by virtual CD-ROMs.
Used for
datastore | VirtualMachineDatastoreInfo[] |
List of datastores available for virtual disks and associated storage.
distributedVirtualPortgroup | DistributedVirtualPortgroupInfo[] |
List of networks available from DistributedVirtualSwitch for virtual
network adapters.
Since vSphere API 4.0
distributedVirtualSwitch | DistributedVirtualSwitchInfo[] |
List of distributed virtual switch available for virtual network
Since vSphere API 4.0
floppy | VirtualMachineFloppyInfo[] |
List of floppy devices available for use by virtual floppies.
Used for
ideDisk | VirtualMachineIdeDiskDeviceInfo[] |
List of physical IDE disks that can be used as targets for raw disk backings.
legacyNetworkInfo | VirtualMachineLegacyNetworkSwitchInfo[] |
Legacy switch names when using the LegacyNetworkBacking types.
maxMemMBOptimalPerf | xsd:int |
Maximum recommended memory size, in MB, for creating a new virtual machine.
network | VirtualMachineNetworkInfo[] |
List of networks available for virtual network adapters.
numCpuCores | xsd:int |
Number of physical CPU cores that are available to run virtual machines.
numCpus | xsd:int |
Number of logical CPUs that can be used to run virtual machines.
numNumaNodes | xsd:int |
Number of NUMA nodes.
opaqueNetwork | OpaqueNetworkTargetInfo[] |
List of opaque networks available for virtual network adapters.
Since vSphere API 5.5
parallel | VirtualMachineParallelInfo[] |
List of parallel devices available to support virtualization.
Used for
pciPassthrough | VirtualMachinePciPassthroughInfo[] |
List of generic PCI devices.
Since vSphere API 4.0
resourcePool | ResourcePoolRuntimeInfo |
Information about the current available resources on the current resource pool
for a virtual machine. This field is only populated from an Environment browser
obtained from a virtual machine.
scsiDisk | VirtualMachineScsiDiskDeviceInfo[] |
List of physical SCSI disks that can be used as targets for raw disk mapping
scsiPassthrough | VirtualMachineScsiPassthroughInfo[] |
List of generic SCSI devices.
serial | VirtualMachineSerialInfo[] |
List of serial devices available to support virtualization.
Used for
sharedGpuPassthroughTypes | VirtualMachinePciSharedGpuPassthroughInfo[] |
List of shared GPU passthrough types.
Since vSphere API 6.0
smcPresent | xsd:boolean |
Presence of System Management Controller, indicates the host is
Apple hardware, and thus capable of running Mac OS guest as VM.
Since vSphere API 5.0
sound | VirtualMachineSoundInfo[] |
List of sound devices available to support virtualization.
Used for
Since VI API 2.5
sriov | VirtualMachineSriovInfo[] |
List of SRIOV devices.
Since vSphere API 5.5
usb | VirtualMachineUsbInfo[] |
List of USB devices on the host that are available to support
Used for
Since VI API 2.5
vFlashModule | VirtualMachineVFlashModuleInfo[] |
List of vFlash modules.
Since vSphere API 5.5
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |