Data Object - SAMLTokenAuthentication(vim.vm.guest.SAMLTokenAuthentication)
- Extends
- Since
- vSphere API 6.0
Data Object
SAMLTokenAuthentication contains the information necessary to authenticate
within a guest using a SAML bearer token.
SAML token authentication relies on a guest alias that associates a guest
account with the subject and certificate
encoded in a SAML token obtained from the VMware SSO Server.
- Use the GuestAliasManager.
AddGuestAlias method to create a guest
- Use a SAMLTokenAuthentication object for the
auth parameter to guest operations methods.
After you have created an alias, you can use SAML token authentication
for guest operations methods.
Do not use SAML token authentication for the
AcquireCredentialsInGuest and
ReleaseCredentialsInGuest methods.
token | xsd:string |
The SAML bearer token.
username | xsd:string |
This is the guest user to be associated with the authentication.
If none is specified, a guest dependent mapping will decide what
user account is applied.
Properties inherited from GuestAuthentication |
interactiveSession |
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |
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