wand.image — Image objects

Opens and manipulates images. Image objects can be used in with statement, and these resources will be automatically managed (even if any error happened):

with Image(filename='pikachu.png') as i:
    print('width =', i.width)
    print('height =', i.height)
wand.image.ALPHA_CHANNEL_TYPES = ('undefined', 'activate', 'background', 'copy', 'deactivate', 'extract', 'opaque', 'reset', 'set', 'shape', 'transparent', 'flatten', 'remove')

(tuple) The list of alpha channel types

  • 'undefined'
  • 'activate'
  • 'background'
  • 'copy'
  • 'deactivate'
  • 'extract'
  • 'opaque'
  • 'reset'
  • 'set'
  • 'shape'
  • 'transparent'
  • 'flatten'
  • 'remove'

See also

ImageMagick Image Channel
Describes the SetImageAlphaChannel method which can be used to modify alpha channel. Also describes AlphaChannelType
wand.image.CHANNELS = {'opacity': 8, 'true_alpha': 64, 'gray': 1, 'rgb_channels': 128, 'yellow': 4, 'sync_channels': 256, 'default_channels': 134217719, 'alpha': 8, 'cyan': 1, 'magenta': 2, 'undefined': 0, 'blue': 4, 'index': 32, 'gray_channels': 128, 'composite_channels': 47, 'green': 2, 'all_channels': 134217727, 'black': 32, 'red': 1}

(dict) The dictionary of channel types.

  • 'undefined'
  • 'red'
  • 'gray'
  • 'cyan'
  • 'green'
  • 'magenta'
  • 'blue'
  • 'yellow'
  • 'alpha'
  • 'opacity'
  • 'black'
  • 'index'
  • 'composite_channels'
  • 'all_channels'
  • 'true_alpha'
  • 'rgb_channels'
  • 'gray_channels'
  • 'sync_channels'
  • 'default_channels'

See also

ImageMagick Color Channels
Lists the various channel types with descriptions of each
wand.image.COLORSPACE_TYPES = ('undefined', 'rgb', 'gray', 'transparent', 'ohta', 'lab', 'xyz', 'ycbcr', 'ycc', 'yiq', 'ypbpr', 'yuv', 'cmyk', 'srgb', 'hsb', 'hsl', 'hwb', 'rec601luma', 'rec601ycbcr', 'rec709luma', 'rec709ycbcr', 'log', 'cmy', 'luv', 'hcl', 'lch', 'lms', 'lchab', 'lchuv', 'scrgb', 'hsi', 'hsv', 'hclp', 'ydbdr')

(tuple) The list of colorspaces.

  • 'undefined'
  • 'rgb'
  • 'gray'
  • 'transparent'
  • 'ohta'
  • 'lab'
  • 'xyz'
  • 'ycbcr'
  • 'ycc'
  • 'yiq'
  • 'ypbpr'
  • 'yuv'
  • 'cmyk'
  • 'srgb'
  • 'hsb'
  • 'hsl'
  • 'hwb'
  • 'rec601luma'
  • 'rec601ycbcr'
  • 'rec709luma'
  • 'rec709ycbcr'
  • 'log'
  • 'cmy'
  • 'luv'
  • 'hcl'
  • 'lch'
  • 'lms'
  • 'lchab'
  • 'lchuv'
  • 'scrgb'
  • 'hsi'
  • 'hsv'
  • 'hclp'
  • 'ydbdr'

See also

ImageMagick Color Management
Describes the ImageMagick color management operations

New in version 0.3.4.

wand.image.COMPOSITE_OPERATORS = ('undefined', 'no', 'add', 'atop', 'blend', 'bumpmap', 'change_mask', 'clear', 'color_burn', 'color_dodge', 'colorize', 'copy_black', 'copy_blue', 'copy', 'copy_cyan', 'copy_green', 'copy_magenta', 'copy_opacity', 'copy_red', 'copy_yellow', 'darken', 'dst_atop', 'dst', 'dst_in', 'dst_out', 'dst_over', 'difference', 'displace', 'dissolve', 'exclusion', 'hard_light', 'hue', 'in', 'lighten', 'linear_light', 'luminize', 'minus', 'modulate', 'multiply', 'out', 'over', 'overlay', 'plus', 'replace', 'saturate', 'screen', 'soft_light', 'src_atop', 'src', 'src_in', 'src_out', 'src_over', 'subtract', 'threshold', 'xor', 'divide')

(tuple) The list of composition operators

  • 'undefined'
  • 'no'
  • 'add'
  • 'atop'
  • 'blend'
  • 'bumpmap'
  • 'change_mask'
  • 'clear'
  • 'color_burn'
  • 'color_dodge'
  • 'colorize'
  • 'copy_black'
  • 'copy_blue'
  • 'copy'
  • 'copy_cyan'
  • 'copy_green'
  • 'copy_magenta'
  • 'copy_opacity'
  • 'copy_red'
  • 'copy_yellow'
  • 'darken'
  • 'dst_atop'
  • 'dst'
  • 'dst_in'
  • 'dst_out'
  • 'dst_over'
  • 'difference'
  • 'displace'
  • 'dissolve'
  • 'exclusion'
  • 'hard_light'
  • 'hue'
  • 'in'
  • 'lighten'
  • 'linear_light'
  • 'luminize'
  • 'minus'
  • 'modulate'
  • 'multiply'
  • 'out'
  • 'over'
  • 'overlay'
  • 'plus'
  • 'replace'
  • 'saturate'
  • 'screen'
  • 'soft_light'
  • 'src_atop'
  • 'src'
  • 'src_in'
  • 'src_out'
  • 'src_over'
  • 'subtract'
  • 'threshold'
  • 'xor'
  • 'divide'

Changed in version 0.3.0: Renamed from COMPOSITE_OPS to COMPOSITE_OPERATORS.

See also

Compositing Images ImageMagick v6 Examples
Image composition is the technique of combining images that have, or do not have, transparency or an alpha channel. This is usually performed using the IM composite command. It may also be performed as either part of a larger sequence of operations or internally by other image operators.
ImageMagick Composition Operators
Demonstrates the results of applying the various composition composition operators.
wand.image.COMPRESSION_TYPES = ('undefined', 'b44a', 'b44', 'bzip', 'dxt1', 'dxt3', 'dxt5', 'fax', 'group4', 'jbig1', 'jbig2', 'jpeg2000', 'jpeg', 'losslessjpeg', 'lzma', 'lzw', 'no', 'piz', 'pxr24', 'rle', 'zip', 'zips')

(tuple) The list of Image.compression types.

New in version 0.3.6.

wand.image.EVALUATE_OPS = ('undefined', 'add', 'and', 'divide', 'leftshift', 'max', 'min', 'multiply', 'or', 'rightshift', 'set', 'subtract', 'xor', 'pow', 'log', 'threshold', 'thresholdblack', 'thresholdwhite', 'gaussiannoise', 'impulsenoise', 'laplaciannoise', 'multiplicativenoise', 'poissonnoise', 'uniformnoise', 'cosine', 'sine', 'addmodulus', 'mean', 'abs', 'exponential', 'median', 'sum')

(tuple) The list of evaluation operators

  • 'undefined'
  • 'add'
  • 'and'
  • 'divide'
  • 'leftshift'
  • 'max'
  • 'min'
  • 'multiply'
  • 'or'
  • 'rightshift'
  • 'set'
  • 'subtract'
  • 'xor'
  • 'pow'
  • 'log'
  • 'threshold'
  • 'thresholdblack'
  • 'thresholdwhite'
  • 'gaussiannoise'
  • 'impulsenoise'
  • 'laplaciannoise'
  • 'multiplicativenoise'
  • 'poissonnoise'
  • 'uniformnoise'
  • 'cosine'
  • 'sine'
  • 'addmodulus'
  • 'mean'
  • 'abs'
  • 'exponential'
  • 'median'
  • 'sum'

See also

ImageMagick Image Evaluation Operators
Describes the MagickEvaluateImageChannel method and lists the various evaluations operators
wand.image.FILTER_TYPES = ('undefined', 'point', 'box', 'triangle', 'hermite', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'blackman', 'gaussian', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'catrom', 'mitchell', 'jinc', 'sinc', 'sincfast', 'kaiser', 'welsh', 'parzen', 'bohman', 'bartlett', 'lagrange', 'lanczos', 'lanczossharp', 'lanczos2', 'lanczos2sharp', 'robidoux', 'robidouxsharp', 'cosine', 'spline', 'sentinel')

(tuple) The list of filter types.

  • 'undefined'
  • 'point'
  • 'box'
  • 'triangle'
  • 'hermite'
  • 'hanning'
  • 'hamming'
  • 'blackman'
  • 'gaussian'
  • 'quadratic'
  • 'cubic'
  • 'catrom'
  • 'mitchell'
  • 'jinc'
  • 'sinc'
  • 'sincfast'
  • 'kaiser'
  • 'welsh'
  • 'parzen'
  • 'bohman'
  • 'bartlett'
  • 'lagrange'
  • 'lanczos'
  • 'lanczossharp'
  • 'lanczos2'
  • 'lanczos2sharp'
  • 'robidoux'
  • 'robidouxsharp'
  • 'cosine'
  • 'spline'
  • 'sentinel'

See also

ImageMagick Resize Filters
Demonstrates the results of resampling images using the various resize filters and blur settings available in ImageMagick.
wand.image.GRAVITY_TYPES = ('forget', 'north_west', 'north', 'north_east', 'west', 'center', 'east', 'south_west', 'south', 'south_east', 'static')

(tuple) The list of gravity types.

New in version 0.3.0.

wand.image.IMAGE_TYPES = ('undefined', 'bilevel', 'grayscale', 'grayscalematte', 'palette', 'palettematte', 'truecolor', 'truecolormatte', 'colorseparation', 'colorseparationmatte', 'optimize', 'palettebilevelmatte')

(tuple) The list of image types

  • 'undefined'
  • 'bilevel'
  • 'grayscale'
  • 'grayscalematte'
  • 'palette'
  • 'palettematte'
  • 'truecolor'
  • 'truecolormatte'
  • 'colorseparation'
  • 'colorseparationmatte'
  • 'optimize'
  • 'palettebilevelmatte'

See also

ImageMagick Image Types
Describes the MagickSetImageType method which can be used to set the type of an image
wand.image.ORIENTATION_TYPES = ('undefined', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_right', 'bottom_left', 'left_top', 'right_top', 'right_bottom', 'left_bottom')

(tuple) The list of orientation types.

New in version 0.3.0.

wand.image.UNIT_TYPES = ('undefined', 'pixelsperinch', 'pixelspercentimeter')

(tuple) The list of resolution unit types.

  • 'undefined'
  • 'pixelsperinch'
  • 'pixelspercentimeter'

See also

ImageMagick Image Units
Describes the MagickSetImageUnits method which can be used to set image units of resolution
class wand.image.BaseImage(wand)

The abstract base of Image (container) and SingleImage. That means the most of operations, defined in this abstract classs, are possible for both Image and SingleImage.

New in version 0.3.0.


(bool) Get state of image alpha channel. It can also be used to enable/disable alpha channel.

New in version 0.2.1.


(bool) Whether the image is animation or not. It doesn’t only mean that the image has two or more images (frames), but all frames are even the same size. It’s about image format, not content. It’s False even if image/ico consits of two or more images of the same size.

For example, it’s False for image/jpeg, image/gif, image/ico.

If image/gif has two or more frames, it’s True. If image/gif has only one frame, it’s False.

New in version 0.3.0.

Changed in version 0.3.8: Became to accept image/x-gif as well.


(wand.color.Color) The image background color. It can also be set to change the background color.

New in version 0.1.9.

caption(*args, **kwargs)

Writes a caption text into the position.


New in version 0.3.0.


Clones the image. It is equivalent to call Image with image parameter.

with img.clone() as cloned:
    # manipulate the cloned image
Returns:the cloned new image
Return type:Image

New in version 0.1.1.


(basestring) The image colorspace.

Defines image colorspace as in COLORSPACE_TYPES enumeration.

It may raise ValueError when the colorspace is unknown.

New in version 0.3.4.

composite(*args, **kwargs)

Places the supplied image over the current image, with the top left corner of image at coordinates left, top of the current image. The dimensions of the current image are not changed.


New in version 0.2.0.

composite_channel(*args, **kwargs)

Composite two images using the particular channel.

  • channel – the channel type. available values can be found in the CHANNELS mapping
  • image (Image) – the composited source image. (the receiver image becomes the destination)
  • operator – the operator that affects how the composite is applied to the image. available values can be found in the COMPOSITE_OPERATORS list
  • left (numbers.Integral) – the column offset of the composited source image
  • top (numbers.Integral) – the row offset of the composited source image
Raises exceptions.ValueError:

when the given channel or operator is invalid

New in version 0.3.0.


(numbers.Integral) Compression quality of this image.

New in version 0.2.0.

crop(*args, **kwargs)

Crops the image in-place.

|              ^                         ^         |
|              |                         |         |
|             top                        |         |
|              |                         |         |
|              v                         |         |
| <-- left --> +-------------------+  bottom       |
|              |             ^     |     |         |
|              | <-- width --|---> |     |         |
|              |           height  |     |         |
|              |             |     |     |         |
|              |             v     |     |         |
|              +-------------------+     v         |
| <--------------- right ---------->               |
  • left (numbers.Integral) – x-offset of the cropped image. default is 0
  • top (numbers.Integral) – y-offset of the cropped image. default is 0
  • right (numbers.Integral) – second x-offset of the cropped image. default is the width of the image. this parameter and width parameter are exclusive each other
  • bottom (numbers.Integral) – second y-offset of the cropped image. default is the height of the image. this parameter and height parameter are exclusive each other
  • width (numbers.Integral) – the width of the cropped image. default is the width of the image. this parameter and right parameter are exclusive each other
  • height (numbers.Integral) – the height of the cropped image. default is the height of the image. this parameter and bottom parameter are exclusive each other
  • reset_coords (bool) – optional flag. If set, after the rotation, the coordinate frame will be relocated to the upper-left corner of the new image. By default is True.
Raises exceptions.ValueError:

when one or more arguments are invalid


If you want to crop the image but not in-place, use slicing operator.

Changed in version 0.1.8: Made to raise ValueError instead of IndexError for invalid width/height arguments.

New in version 0.1.7.


(numbers.Integral) The depth of this image.

New in version 0.2.1.

dirty = None

(bool) Whether the image is changed or not.

equalize(*args, **kwargs)

Equalizes the image histogram

New in version 0.3.10.

flip(*args, **kwargs)

Creates a vertical mirror image by reflecting the pixels around the central x-axis. It manipulates the image in place.

New in version 0.3.0.

flop(*args, **kwargs)

Creates a horizontal mirror image by reflecting the pixels around the central y-axis. It manipulates the image in place.

New in version 0.3.0.


(wand.font.Font) The current font options.


(basestring) The path of the current font. It also can be set.


(numbers.Real) The font size. It also can be set.

gaussian_blur(*args, **kwargs)

Blurs the image. We convolve the image with a gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, the radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and blur() selects a suitable radius for you.

  • radius (numbers.Real) – the radius of the, in pixels, not counting the center pixel
  • sigma (numbers.Real) – the standard deviation of the, in pixels

New in version 0.3.3.


(basestring) The text placement gravity used when annotating with text. It’s a string from GRAVITY_TYPES list. It also can be set.


(numbers.Integral) The height of this image.


(HistogramDict) The mapping that represents the histogram. Keys are Color objects, and values are the number of pixels.

New in version 0.3.0.

liquid_rescale(*args, **kwargs)

Rescales the image with seam carving, also known as image retargeting, content-aware resizing, or liquid rescaling.

  • width (numbers.Integral) – the width in the scaled image
  • height (numbers.Integral) – the height in the scaled image
  • delta_x (numbers.Real) – maximum seam transversal step. 0 means straight seams. default is 0
  • rigidity (numbers.Real) – introduce a bias for non-straight seams. default is 0
Raises wand.exceptions.MissingDelegateError:

when ImageMagick isn’t configured --with-lqr option.


This feature requires ImageMagick to be configured --with-lqr option. Or it will raise MissingDelegateError:

See also

Seam carving — Wikipedia
The article which explains what seam carving is on Wikipedia.
modulate(*args, **kwargs)

Changes the brightness, saturation and hue of an image. We modulate the image with the given brightness, saturation and hue.

Raises exceptions.ValueError:

when one or more arguments are invalid

New in version 0.3.4.

negate(grayscale=False, channel=None)

Negate the colors in the reference image.

  • grayscale (bool) – if set, only negate grayscale pixels in the image.
  • channel (basestring) – the channel type. available values can be found in the CHANNELS mapping. If None, negate all channels.

New in version 0.3.8.

options = None

(OptionDict) The mapping of internal option settings.

New in version 0.3.0.

Changed in version 0.3.4: Added 'jpeg:sampling-factor' option.

Changed in version 0.3.9: Added 'pdf:use-cropbox' option.


(basestring) The image orientation. It’s a string from ORIENTATION_TYPES list. It also can be set.

New in version 0.3.0.


(int) The maxumim value of a color channel that is supported by the imagemagick library.

New in version 0.2.0.


Reset the coordinate frame of the image so to the upper-left corner is (0, 0) again (crop and rotate operations change it).

New in version 0.2.0.

resize(*args, **kwargs)

Resizes the image.

  • width (numbers.Integral) – the width in the scaled image. default is the original width
  • height (numbers.Integral) – the height in the scaled image. default is the original height
  • filter (basestring, numbers.Integral) – a filter type to use for resizing. choose one in FILTER_TYPES. default is 'undefined' which means IM will try to guess best one to use
  • blur (numbers.Real) – the blur factor where > 1 is blurry, < 1 is sharp. default is 1

Changed in version 0.2.1: The default value of filter has changed from 'triangle' to 'undefined' instead.

Changed in version 0.1.8: The blur parameter changed to take numbers.Real instead of numbers.Rational.

New in version 0.1.1.


(tuple) Resolution of this image.

New in version 0.3.0.

rotate(*args, **kwargs)

Rotates the image right. It takes a background color for degree that isn’t a multiple of 90.

  • degree (numbers.Real) – a degree to rotate. multiples of 360 affect nothing
  • background (wand.color.Color) – an optional background color. default is transparent
  • reset_coords (bool) – optional flag. If set, after the rotation, the coordinate frame will be relocated to the upper-left corner of the new image. By default is True.

New in version 0.2.0: The reset_coords parameter.

New in version 0.1.8.

sample(*args, **kwargs)

Resizes the image by sampling the pixels. It’s basically quicker than resize() except less quality as a tradeoff.

  • width (numbers.Integral) – the width in the scaled image. default is the original width
  • height (numbers.Integral) – the height in the scaled image. default is the original height

New in version 0.3.4.

sequence = None

(collections.Sequence) The list of SingleImages that the image contains.

New in version 0.3.0.


(str) The SHA-256 message digest for the image pixel stream.

New in version 0.1.9.


(tuple) The pair of (width, height).

threshold(*args, **kwargs)

Changes the value of individual pixels based on the intensity of each pixel compared to threshold. The result is a high-contrast, two color image. It manipulates the image in place.

  • threshold (numbers.Real) – threshold as a factor of quantum
  • channel (basestring) – the channel type. available values can be found in the CHANNELS mapping. If None, threshold all channels.

New in version 0.3.10.

transform(*args, **kwargs)

Transforms the image using MagickTransformImage(), which is a convenience function accepting geometry strings to perform cropping and resizing. Cropping is performed first, followed by resizing. Either or both arguments may be omitted or given an empty string, in which case the corresponding action will not be performed. Geometry specification strings are defined as follows:

A geometry string consists of a size followed by an optional offset. The size is specified by one of the options below, where bold terms are replaced with appropriate integer values:

Height and width both scaled by specified percentage
Height and width individually scaled by specified percentages. Only one % symbol is needed.
Width given, height automagically selected to preserve aspect ratio.
Height given, width automagically selected to preserve aspect ratio.
Maximum values of width and height given; aspect ratio preserved.
Width and height emphatically given; original aspect ratio ignored.
Shrinks images with dimension(s) larger than the corresponding width and/or height dimension(s).
Enlarges images with dimensions smaller than the corresponding width and/or height dimension(s).
Resize image to have the specified area in pixels. Aspect ratio is preserved.

The offset, which only applies to the cropping geometry string, is given by {+-}x{+-}y, that is, one plus or minus sign followed by an x offset, followed by another plus or minus sign, followed by a y offset. Offsets are in pixels from the upper left corner of the image. Negative offsets will cause the corresponding number of pixels to be removed from the right or bottom edge of the image, meaning the cropped size will be the computed size minus the absolute value of the offset.

For example, if you want to crop your image to 300x300 pixels and then scale it by 2x for a final size of 600x600 pixels, you can call:

image.transform('300x300', '200%')

This method is a fairly thing wrapper for the C API, and does not perform any additional checking of the parameters except insofar as verifying that they are of the correct type. Thus, like the C API function, the method is very permissive in terms of what it accepts for geometry strings; unrecognized strings and trailing characters will be ignored rather than raising an error.

  • crop (basestring) – A geometry string defining a subregion of the image to crop to
  • resize (basestring) – A geometry string defining the final size of the image

See also

ImageMagick Geometry Specifications
Cropping and resizing geometry for the transform method are specified according to ImageMagick’s geometry string format. The ImageMagick documentation provides more information about geometry strings.

New in version 0.2.2.

transparent_color(*args, **kwargs)

Makes the color color a transparent color with a tolerance of fuzz. The alpha parameter specify the transparency level and the parameter fuzz specify the tolerance.

  • color (wand.color.Color) – The color that should be made transparent on the image, color object
  • alpha (numbers.Real) – the level of transparency: 1.0 is fully opaque and 0.0 is fully transparent.
  • fuzz (numbers.Integral) – By default target must match a particular pixel color exactly. However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount. The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same. For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color for the color.
  • invert (bool) – Boolean to tell to paint the inverse selection.

New in version 0.3.0.

transparentize(*args, **kwargs)

Makes the image transparent by subtracting some percentage of the black color channel. The transparency parameter specifies the percentage.

Parameters:transparency (numbers.Real) – the percentage fade that should be performed on the image, from 0.0 to 1.0

New in version 0.2.0.


(basestring) The image type.

Defines image type as in IMAGE_TYPES enumeration.

It may raise ValueError when the type is unknown.

New in version 0.2.2.


(basestring) The resolution units of this image.

unsharp_mask(*args, **kwargs)

Sharpens the image using unsharp mask filter. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and unsharp_mask()`() selects a suitable radius for you.

  • radius (numbers.Real) – the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel
  • sigma (numbers.Real) – the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels
  • amount (numbers.Real) – the percentage of the difference between the original and the blur image that is added back into the original
  • threshold (numbers.Real) – the threshold in pixels needed to apply the diffence amount

New in version 0.3.4.


Internal pointer to the MagickWand instance. It may raise ClosedImageError when the instance has destroyed already.

watermark(*args, **kwargs)

Transparentized the supplied image and places it over the current image, with the top left corner of image at coordinates left, top of the current image. The dimensions of the current image are not changed.

  • image (wand.image.Image) – the image placed over the current image
  • transparency (numbers.Real) – the percentage fade that should be performed on the image, from 0.0 to 1.0
  • left (numbers.Integral) – the x-coordinate where image will be placed
  • top (numbers.Integral) – the y-coordinate where image will be placed

New in version 0.2.0.


(numbers.Integral) The width of this image.

class wand.image.ChannelDepthDict(image)

The mapping table of channels to their depth.

Parameters:image (Image) – an image instance


You don’t have to use this by yourself. Use Image.channel_depths property instead.

New in version 0.3.0.

class wand.image.ChannelImageDict(image)

The mapping table of separated images of the particular channel from the image.

Parameters:image (Image) – an image instance


You don’t have to use this by yourself. Use Image.channel_images property instead.

New in version 0.3.0.

exception wand.image.ClosedImageError

An error that rises when some code tries access to an already closed image.

class wand.image.HistogramDict(image)

Specialized mapping object to represent color histogram. Keys are colors, and values are the number of pixels.

Parameters:image (BaseImage) – the image to get its histogram

New in version 0.3.0.

class wand.image.Image(image=None, blob=None, file=None, filename=None, format=None, width=None, height=None, background=None, resolution=None)

An image object.

  • image (Image) – makes an exact copy of the image
  • blob (str) – opens an image of the blob byte array
  • file (file object) – opens an image of the file object
  • filename (basestring) – opens an image of the filename string
  • format (basestring) – forces filename to buffer.``format`` to help imagemagick detect the file format. Used only in blob or file cases
  • width (numbers.Integral) – the width of new blank image.
  • height (numbers.Integral) – the height of new blank imgage.
  • background (wand.color.Color) – an optional background color. default is transparent
  • resolution (collections.Sequence, numbers.Integral) – set a resolution value (dpi), useful for vectorial formats (like pdf)

New in version 0.1.5: The file parameter.

New in version 0.1.1: The blob parameter.

New in version 0.2.1: The format parameter.

New in version 0.2.2: The width, height, background parameters.

New in version 0.3.0: The resolution parameter.

[left:right, top:bottom]

Crops the image by its left, right, top and bottom, and then returns the cropped one.

with img[100:200, 150:300] as cropped:
    # manipulated the cropped image

Like other subscriptable objects, default is 0 or its width/height:

img[:, :]        #--> just clone
img[:100, 200:]  #--> equivalent to img[0:100, 200:img.height]

Negative integers count from the end (width/height):

img[-70:-50, -20:-10]
#--> equivalent to img[width-70:width-50, height-20:height-10]
Returns:the cropped image

New in version 0.1.2.

blank(width, height, background=None)

Creates blank image.


blank image

Return type:


New in version 0.3.0.

border(color, width, height)

Surrounds the image with a border.


New in version 0.3.0.

channel_depths = None

(ChannelDepthDict) The mapping of channels to their depth. Read only.

New in version 0.3.0.

channel_images = None

(ChannelImageDict) The mapping of separated channels from the image.

with image.channel_images['red'] as red_image:

Clears resources associated with the image, leaving the image blank, and ready to be used with new image.

New in version 0.3.0.


Closes the image explicitly. If you use the image object in with statement, it was called implicitly so don’t have to call it.


It has the same functionality of destroy() method.


(basestring) The type of image compression. It’s a string from COMPRESSION_TYPES list. It also can be set.

New in version 0.3.6.


Converts the image format with the original image maintained. It returns a converted image instance which is new.

with img.convert('png') as converted:
Parameters:format (basestring) – image format to convert to
Returns:a converted image
Return type:Image
Raises:ValueError when the given format is unsupported

New in version 0.1.6.


(basestring) The image format.

If you want to convert the image format, just reset this property:

assert isinstance(img, wand.image.Image)
img.format = 'png'

It may raise ValueError when the format is unsupported.

See also

ImageMagick Image Formats
ImageMagick uses an ASCII string known as magick (e.g. GIF) to identify file formats, algorithms acting as formats, built-in patterns, and embedded profile types.

New in version 0.1.6.


Makes the binary string of the image.

Parameters:format (basestring) – the image format to write e.g. 'png', 'jpeg'. it is omittable
Returns:a blob (bytes) string
Return type:str
Raises:ValueError when format is invalid

Changed in version 0.1.6: Removed a side effect that changes the image format silently.

New in version 0.1.5: The format parameter became optional.

New in version 0.1.1.

metadata = None

(Metadata) The metadata mapping of the image. Read only.

New in version 0.3.0.


(basestring) The MIME type of the image e.g. 'image/jpeg', 'image/png'.

New in version 0.1.7.


Normalize color channels.

Parameters:channel (basestring) – the channel type. available values can be found in the CHANNELS mapping. If None, normalize all channels.
read(file=None, filename=None, blob=None, resolution=None)

Read new image into Image() object.

  • blob (str) – reads an image from the blob byte array
  • file (file object) – reads an image from the file object
  • filename (basestring) – reads an image from the filename string
  • resolution (collections.Sequence, numbers.Integral) – set a resolution value (DPI), useful for vectorial formats (like PDF)

New in version 0.3.0.

save(file=None, filename=None)

Saves the image into the file or filename. It takes only one argument at a time.

  • file (file object) – a file object to write to
  • filename (basestring) – a filename string to write to

New in version 0.1.5: The file parameter.

New in version 0.1.1.


Strips an image of all profiles and comments.

New in version 0.2.0.

trim(color=None, fuzz=0)

Remove solid border from image. Uses top left pixel as a guide by default, or you can also specify the color to remove.

  • color (Color) – the border color to remove. if it’s omitted top left pixel is used by default
  • fuzz (numbers.Integral) – Defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same.

New in version 0.3.0: Optional color and fuzz parameters.

New in version 0.2.1.

class wand.image.ImageProperty(image)

The mixin class to maintain a weak reference to the parent Image object.

New in version 0.3.0.


(Image) The parent image.

It ensures that the parent Image, which is held in a weak reference, still exists. Returns the dereferenced Image if it does exist, or raises a ClosedImageError otherwise.

Exc:ClosedImageError when the parent Image has been destroyed
class wand.image.Iterator(image=None, iterator=None)

Row iterator for Image. It shouldn’t be instantiated directly; instead, it can be acquired through Image instance:

assert isinstance(image, wand.image.Image)
iterator = iter(image)

It doesn’t iterate every pixel, but rows. For example:

for row in image:
    for col in row:
        assert isinstance(col, wand.color.Color)

Every row is a collections.Sequence which consists of one or more wand.color.Color values.

Parameters:image (Image) – the image to get an iterator

New in version 0.1.3.


Clones the same iterator.

class wand.image.Metadata(image)

Class that implements dict-like read-only access to image metadata like EXIF or IPTC headers.

Parameters:image (Image) – an image instance


You don’t have to use this by yourself. Use Image.metadata property instead.

New in version 0.3.0.

class wand.image.OptionDict(image)

Mutable mapping of the image internal options. See available options in OPTIONS constant.

New in version 0.3.0.


Mark the operation manipulating itself instead of returning new one.