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Class Reference/WP Screen

Role of WP_Screen

This is a concrete class that is instantiated in the WordPress $screen global. It is primarily used to create and customize WordPress admin screens (as of WordPress 3.3).

Is located in wp-admin/includes/screen.php with other admin screen-related functions.

Public Properties

The following properties are built into the WP_Screen class.

Any action associated with the screen. 'add' for *-add.php and *-new.php screens. Empty otherwise.
The base type of the screen. This is typically the same as $id but with any post types and taxonomies stripped. For example, for an $id of 'edit-post' the base is 'edit'.
The unique ID of the screen.
Whether the screen is in the network admin.
Whether the screen is in the user admin.
The base menu parent. This is derived from $parent_file by removing the query string and any .php extension. $parent_file values of 'edit.php?post_type=page' and 'edit.php?post_type=post' have a $parent_base of 'edit'.
The $parent_file for the screen per the admin menu system. Some $parent_file values are 'edit.php?post_type=page', 'edit.php', and 'options-general.php'.
The post type associated with the screen, if any. The 'edit.php?post_type=page' screen has a post type of 'page'. The 'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=$taxonomy&post_type=page' screen has a post type of 'page'.
The taxonomy associated with the screen, if any. The 'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category' screen has a taxonomy of 'category'.

Private Properties

The following properties are built into the WP_Screen class.

Private. The help tab data associated with the screen, if any.
Private. The help sidebar data associated with screen, if any.
Private. Stores old string-based help.
Private. The screen options associated with screen, if any.
Private. The screen object registry.
Private. Stores the result of the public show_screen_options() function.
Private. Stores the 'screen_settings' section of screen options.

Static Methods

The following methods are available statically.

get( $hook_name="" )
Fetches a screen object. If $hook_name is omitted, the current $hook_suffix global is used automatically.

The following methods are available statically.

add_old_compat_help( $screen, $help )
Provided for backwards compatibility, this sets the old, string-based contextual help for the specified screen.

Object Methods

The following methods are available from a WP_Screen() instance.

Makes the screen object the current screen.
Indicates whether the screen is in a particular admin (network, user, site or any of the three).
set_parentage( $parent_file )
Sets the parent information for the screen. This is called in admin-header.php after the menu parent for the screen has been determined.
add_option( $option, $args = array() )
Adds an option for the screen. Call this in template files after admin.php is loaded and before admin-header.php is loaded to add screen options.
get_option( $option, $key = false )
Gets the arguments for an option for the screen.
add_help_tab( $args )
Add a help tab to the contextual help for the screen. Call this on the load-$pagenow hook for the relevant screen. The $args array takes the following values: (string) title, (string) id, (string) content, and a callback (callback).
remove_help_tab( $id )
Removes a help tab from the contextual help for the screen.
Removes ALL help tabs from the contextual help for the screen.
set_help_sidebar( $content )
Add a sidebar to the contextual help for the screen. Call this in template files after admin.php is loaded and before admin-header.php is loaded to add a sidebar to the contextual help.
Render the screen's help section. This will trigger the deprecated filters for backwards compatibility.
Automatically sets the $_screen_settings property and returns the $_show_screen_options property.
Renders the screen options tab.
Render the option for number of columns on the page
Render the "items per page" option

Change Log

Since: 3.3.0

Source File

WP_Screen() is located in /wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php.


PHPDocs for WP_Screen


See also index of Class Reference and index of Function Reference.