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Core Update Host Compatibility

Here is a list of hosts that have been tested with the Core Update feature that becomes available after Version 2.7. (I.E. For upgrading from 2.7 or later to newer versions.)

Also see compatibility pages:

Please no links on this page, just the names of the hosts.

Working hosts, no issues

This list is pretty much everyone now, and potentially infinite, so removing and just leaving the other sections.

Works with caveats

0 - 9

  • 1and1 (fails running PHP 4, but works with PHP 5. Add the line: AddType x-mapp-php5 .php to the file .htaccess in your main wordpress directory to enable PHP 5. This also appears to not only affect Core updates but some Plugin updates as well.)

A - D

  • Aplus.net - Does not work with Akismet due to requirements asking for permission for all outbound http requests to provide port number, IP address or hostname and reason for request.
  • Aruba.it (Italy) - Automatic upgrade doesn't work, unless you put in wp-config.php the following variables:

After you have done this, all settings (should) work perfectly.

Note: This refers to the Linux version hosting; Windows hosting does not support WordPress correctly and Aruba does not give support for it on this platform.

  • Cedant - Does not work with Akismet due to requirements asking for permission for all outbound http requests to provide port number, IP address or hostname and reason for request.

E - H

I - L

M - P

  • one.com (memory issues)

Q - T

  • Servage (works on new clusters with PHP 5 and doesn't work on old clusters with PHP 4)

U - Z

  • World4You (Firewall restriction, works only on a special server)

Doesn't Work

0 - 9

A - D

E - H

  • hostbot.com (SAFE MODE Restriction in effect)
  • Fasthosts (Admin Page pagination broken, reverts to posts on search)
  • free.fr (SAFE MODE Restriction in effect)

I - L

  • Lycos Europe - allow access to dashboard but does not display blog. Error message says that the Webpage has a redirect loop, and is caused by a server configuration issue.

M - P

  • Online.net [FR] : not working yet (feb. 09) but may work (with caveats ?) after next internal php upgrade. Stay tuned!
  • OVH: not working, always times out before completion.

Q - T

  • Servage (only on old clusters with PHP 4, works on new)

U - Z