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Function Reference/get post gallery images


Retrieves an array of image URLs that belong to the first gallery added to the specified post.


(Post ID or object.) (required) The post to look in.
Default: None


An array of image URLs.


 <?php  $gallery get_post_gallery_images$post ); ?> 


A simple example of how to append the raw image URLs to the content of any post or page that has at least one gallery.

 function pw_show_gallery_image_urls( $content ) {

 	global $post;

 	// Only do this on singular items
 	if( ! is_singular() )
 		return $content;

 	// Make sure the post has a gallery in it
 	if( ! has_shortcode( $post->post_content, 'gallery' ) )
 		return $content;

 	// Retrieve the first gallery in the post
 	$gallery = get_post_gallery_images( $post );

	$image_list = '<ul>';

	// Loop through each image in each gallery
	foreach( $gallery as $image_url ) {

		$image_list .= '<li>' . '<img src="' . $image_url . '">' . '</li>';


	$image_list .= '</ul>';

	// Append our image list to the content of our post
	$content .= $image_list;

 	return $content;

 add_filter( 'the_content', 'pw_show_gallery_image_urls' );

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Source File

get_post_gallery_images() is located in wp-includes/media.php.


get_post_gallery(), get_post_galleries(), get_post_galleries_images()

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