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Wrapper for WP_User_Query. Retrieves an array of users matching the criteria given in $args
<?php get_users( $args ); ?>
<?php $args = array( 'blog_id' => $GLOBALS['blog_id'], 'role' => '', 'role__in' => array(), 'role__not_in' => array(), 'meta_key' => '', 'meta_value' => '', 'meta_compare' => '', 'meta_query' => array(), 'date_query' => array(), 'include' => array(), 'exclude' => array(), 'orderby' => 'login', 'order' => 'ASC', 'offset' => '', 'search' => '', 'number' => '', 'count_total' => false, 'fields' => 'all', 'who' => '', ); get_users( $args ); ?>
A basic example to display all subscribers in an unordered list.
<?php $blogusers = get_users( 'blog_id=1&orderby=nicename&role=subscriber' ); // Array of WP_User objects. foreach ( $blogusers as $user ) { echo '<span>' . esc_html( $user->user_email ) . '</span>'; }
An example using the 'search' field.
<?php $blogusers = get_users( array( 'search' => 'john' ) ); // Array of WP_User objects. foreach ( $blogusers as $user ) { echo '<span>' . esc_html( $user->user_email ) . '</span>'; }
The first example will find and display all users that have a user name, ID, email of "john". You can also do wild card search by adding an * before or after your search query. For example, to search for all users that start with "jo", you would pass something like "jo*".
The results will be all users whose user names, IDs, or emails that start with "jo". The * can be placed before or after your search query. When placed before, the results will be all users that end in your query.
An example of querying by a specific field.
<?php $blogusers = get_users( array( 'fields' => array( 'display_name' ) ) ); // Array of stdClass objects. foreach ( $blogusers as $user ) { echo '<span>' . esc_html( $user->display_name ) . '</span>'; }
[0] => WP_User Object (
[data] => stdClass Object
[ID] => 3
[user_login] => dabid
[user_pass] => $P$BK1deNU7lV/rgwp2oncgESRHRYLedRF.
[user_nicename] => David
[user_email] =>
[user_url] =>
[user_registered] => 2017-03-21 14:11:32
[user_activation_key] => 149492:$P$BV76R0AcpmGMNAStZbdO.uVu7QWF9l1
[user_status] => 0
[display_name] => David Example
[ID] => 3
[caps] => Array
[author] => 1
[cap_key] => llk_capabilities
[roles] => Array
[0] => author
[allcaps] => Array
[upload_files] => 1
[edit_posts] => 1
[edit_published_posts] => 1
[publish_posts] => 1
[read] => 1
[level_2] => 1
[level_1] => 1
[level_0] => 1
[delete_posts] => 1
[delete_published_posts] => 1
[author] => 1
[filter] =>
is located in wp-includes/user.php