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Function Reference/is tax


This Conditional Tag checks if a custom taxonomy archive page is being displayed. This is a boolean function, meaning it returns either TRUE or FALSE.

If the $taxonomy parameter is specified, this function will additionally check if the query is for that specific taxonomy.

Note that is_tax() returns false on category archives and tag archives. You should use is_category() and is_tag() respectively when checking for category and tag archives.

To check for a taxonomy term on a specific post, use has_term()


<?php is_tax$taxonomy$term ); ?>


(string, array) (optional) Taxonomy slug or slugs
Default: None
(int, array, string) (optional) A single or array of, The term's ID, Name or Slug
Default: None

Return Values

True on success, false on failure.


// When any custom taxonomy archive page is being displayed.

is_tax( 'channel' );
// When the archive page for taxonomy of 'channel' is being displayed.

is_tax( 'channel', 'BBC1' );
// When the archive page for taxonomy of 'channel' is being displayed and the 'channel' taxonomy term is 'BBC1'.

Post Formats

The taxonomy slug for Post Formats differs from the Post Format slug. The register_taxonomy() function appends a post-format- base to the Post Format slug. So, e.g. while the "Aside" Post Format type has a slug of aside, the post_format taxonomy term "Aside" has a slug of post-format-aside.

is_tax( 'post_format' );
// When the archive page for any Post Format term is being displayed.

is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-aside' );
// When the archive page for Post Format type 'aside' is being displayed.


Source File

is_tax() is located in wp-includes/query.php.


See also index of Function Reference and index of Template Tags.