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Echos a submit button, with provided text and appropriate class.
Note: This function is only available from the administration panels. It cannot be used on the front end of the site.
<?php submit_button( $text, $type, $name, $wrap, $other_attributes ); ?>
This function does not return a value. The HTML for the button is output directly to the browser.
This will output the following HTML, which will display a button with the text, "Save Changes".
<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" class="button button-primary" value="Save Changes" /></p>
To output a button with custom text, use the first parameter like this:
submit_button( 'Submit' );
WordPress styles secondary and primary buttons differently. Primary buttons are blue, and stand out more than secondary buttons, which are grey. By default, submit_button() outputs a primary button. To display a secondary button instead, set the $type parameter to 'secondary':
submit_button( 'Reset', 'secondary' );
By default, WordPress doesn't currently appear to have custom styling for delete buttons, but it does give them the 'delete' HTML class. However, it's possible that could change in the future, so it's a good idea to specify the $type as 'delete' when displaying a delete button:
submit_button( 'Delete', 'delete' );
By default, delete buttons will be displayed as secondary buttons, not primary. If you want to display it as a primary button, you can do it like this:
submit_button( 'Delete', 'delete button-primary' );
The $name parameter may be used if you want to set the HTML name attribute for the button. By default, this will be 'submit'.
submit_button( 'Save Settings', 'primary', 'wpdocs-save-settings' );
By default, the $name is also used to fill out the button's id attribute. To change this, you can pass an id via the $other_attributes parameter:
$other_attributes = array( 'id' => 'wpdocs-button-id' ); submit_button( 'Save Settings', 'primary', 'wpdocs-save-settings', true, $other_attributes );
The $wrap parameter controls whether the button is wrapped in a paragraph tag, which it is by default. This can be a help or a hindrance depending on where an how you wish to display the button. To turn this behavior off, pass false for the fourth parameter:
submit_button( 'Submit', 'primary', 'submit-form', false );
You can add any HTML attributes you chose to your button using the $other_attributes parameter. For example:
$other_attributes = array( 'tabindex' => '1' ); submit_button( 'Go!', 'secondary', '', true, $other_attributes );
Since: 3.1
submit_button() is located in /wp-admin/includes/template.php