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Function Reference/the category


Displays a link to the category or categories a post belongs to. This tag must be used within The Loop.


 <?php the_category$separator$parents$post_id ); ?> 


(string) (optional) Text or character to display between each category link. By default, the links are placed in an HTML unordered list. An empty string will result in the default behavior.
Default: empty string
(string) (optional) How to display links that reside in child (sub) categories. Options are:
 ▪ 'multiple' - Display separate links to parent and child categories, exhibiting "parent/child" relationship.
 ▪ 'single' - Display link to child category only, with link text exhibiting "parent/child" relationship.
Default: empty string
Note: Default is a link to the child category, with no relationship exhibited.
(int) (optional) Post ID to retrieve categories. The default value false results in the category list of the current post.
Default: false


Separated by Space

List categories with a space as the separator. <?php the_category' ' ); ?>

Separated by Comma

Displays links to categories, each category separated by a comma (if more than one). <?php the_category', ' ); ?>

Separated by Arrow

Displays links to categories with an arrow (>) separating the categories. Note: Take care when using this, since some viewers may interpret a category following a > as a subcategory of the one preceding it. <?php the_category'&gt; ' ); ?>

Separated by a Bullet

Displays links to categories with a bullet (•) separating the categories. <?php the_category'&bull;' ); ?>

Source Code


  • Since 0.71
  • 2.5 : Added the post_id parameter.


See also index of Function Reference and index of Template Tags.