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This tag displays the time (and date) a post was last modified and is similar to the functionality of the_time(), which displays the time (and date) a post was created. This tag must be used within The Loop. If no format parameter is specified, the Default date format (please note that says Date format) setting from Administration > Settings > General is used for the display format.
If the post or page is not yet modified, the modified time is the same as the creation time.
If you want to display both the modified time and the creation time, you may want to use an if statement (e.g. if (get_the_modified_time() != get_the_time())) to avoid showing the same time/date twice.
Use get_the_modified_time() to retrieve the value.
<?php the_modified_time( $d ); ?>
Displays the time (date) the post was last modified, using the Default date format setting (e.g. F j, Y) from Administration > Settings > General.
<p>Last modified: <?php the_modified_time(); ?></p>
If a post was modified at 10:36pm, this example displays the time the post was last modified using the 12-hour format parameter string 'g:i a'.
<p>Time last modified: <?php the_modified_time('g:i a'); ?></p>
If a post was modified at 10:36pm, this example displays the time the post was last modified using the 24-hour format parameter string 'G:i'.
<p>Time last modified: <?php the_modified_time('G:i'); ?></p>
Displays the last modified time and date in the date format 'F j, Y' (ex: December 2, 2006), which could be used to replace the tag the_modified_date().
<div>Last modified: <?php the_modified_time('F j, Y'); ?></div>
Displays the date and time.
<p>Modified: <?php the_modified_time('F j, Y'); ?> at <?php the_modified_time('g:i a'); ?></p>
Since: 2.0.0
the_modified_time() is located in wp-includes/general-template.php
get_calendar(), get_day_link(), get_month_link(), get_the_date(), get_the_time(), get_year_link(), single_month_title(), the_date(), the_date_xml(), the_modified_date(), get_the_modified_date(), the_modified_time(), get_the_modified_time(), the_time()