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Function Reference/trackback rdf


Outputs the trackback RDF information for a post. This tag must be within The Loop.

This information is not displayed in a browser. Its use is partly intended for auto-detection of the trackback URI to a post, which can be "trackbacked" by some blogging and RDF tools. Include this tag in your template if you want to enable auto-discovery of the trackback URI for a post. Without it, people who wish to send a trackback to one of your posts will have to manually search for the trackback URI.


 <?php trackback_rdf(); ?> 


This tag has no parameters.


Displays the RDF information before the end of The Loop. You should wrap the tag in an HTML comment tag, to avoid issues with validation.

<?php trackback_rdf(); ?>

<?php endforeach; else: ?>


  • 3.0.1 : Restored for Trackback auto-discovery. (Ticket #11139)
  • 3.0.0 : Deprecated. Use the rel="trackback" method.
  • Since: 0.71

Source File

trackback_rdf() is located in wp-includes/comment-template.php.


See also index of Function Reference and index of Template Tags.