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The wp_create_user function allows you to insert a new user into the WordPress database. It uses the $wpdb class to escape the variable values, preparing it for insertion into the database. Then the PHP compact() function is used to create an array with these values. To create a user with additional parameters, use wp_insert_user().
<?php wp_create_user( $username, $password, $email ); ?>
As used in wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php:
$user_id = username_exists( $user_name ); if ( !$user_id and email_exists($user_email) == false ) { $random_password = wp_generate_password( $length=12, $include_standard_special_chars=false ); $user_id = wp_create_user( $user_name, $random_password, $user_email ); } else { $random_password = __('User already exists. Password inherited.'); }
When successful - this function returns the user ID of the created user. In case of failure (username or email already exists) the function returns an error object, with these possible values and messages;
wp_create_user() is located in wp-includes/user.php