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Plugin API/Filter Reference/mce buttons, mce buttons 2, mce buttons 3, mce buttons 4


The mce_buttons group of filters can be used by developers to add or remove buttons/features from the WordPress's TinyMCE toolbar(s).

This filter is passed an array of button ids which determine which buttons are displayed or removed.

Filter Descriptions

Four filter hooks are available:

The primary toolbar (always visible)
The advanced toolbar (can be toggled on/off by user)
By default, WordPress does not use/display this toolbar
By default, WordPress does not use/display this toolbar


Reveal a hidden button

The following will reveal the hidden "Styles" dropdown in the advanced toolbar.

function myplugin_tinymce_buttons( $buttons ) {
      //Add style selector to the beginning of the toolbar
      array_unshift( $buttons, 'styleselect' );

      return $buttons;
add_filter( 'mce_buttons_2', 'myplugin_tinymce_buttons' );

Remove a button

The following will remove the text color selector from the advanced toolbar.

function myplugin_tinymce_buttons( $buttons ) {
      //Remove the text color selector
      $remove = 'forecolor';

      //Find the array key and then unset
      if ( ( $key = array_search( $remove, $buttons ) ) !== false )
		unset( $buttons[$key] );

      return $buttons;
add_filter( 'mce_buttons_2', 'myplugin_tinymce_buttons' );

Or, if you want to remove more buttons at the same time:

function myplugin_tinymce_buttons( $buttons ) {
	//Remove the format dropdown select and text color selector
	$remove = array( 'formatselect', 'forecolor' );

	return array_diff( $buttons, $remove );
add_filter( 'mce_buttons_2', 'myplugin_tinymce_buttons' );

External Resources
