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Plugin API/Filter Reference/root rewrite rules

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This filter hook can be used to modify rewrite rules for your sites root.

Source File

This hooks is located in the WP_Rewrite class in /wp-includes/rewrite.php




  • Filter: root_rewrite_rules - Filters the rewrite rules generated for the root of your weblog.
  • Filter: post_rewrite_rules - Filters the rewrite rules generated for permalink URLs.
  • Filter: page_rewrite_rules - Filters the rewrite rules generated for your Pages.
  • Filter: date_rewrite_rules - Filters the rewrite rules generated for dated archive URLs.
  • Filter: search_rewrite_rules - Filters the rewrite rules generated for search URLs.
  • Filter: comments_rewrite_rules - Filters the rewrite rules generated for the latest comment feed URLs.
  • Filter: author_rewrite_rules - Filters the rewrite rules generated for author archive URLs.
  • Filter: rewrite_rules_array - Filters all the rewrite rules at once.
  • Filter: {$permastruct}_rewrite_rules - Can be used to create or modify rewrite rules for any custom permastructs, such as taxonomies or custom post types.
  • Action: generate_rewrite_rules - Runs after all the rules have been created.
