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WPMU Functions/wpmu signup blog notification


Sends an activation email to new users after they have completed the signup process, it includes their activation link.


(string) (required) Domain of the new blog (see explanation below).
Default: None
(string) (required) Path of the new blog (see explanation below).
Default: None
(string) (required) Title of the new blog.
Default: None
(string) (required) New users username.
Default: None
(string) (required) New users email address.
Default: None
(string) (required) Activation key.
Default: None

$domain and $path

To help clarify the purpose of $domain and $path, in the activation email their are used as so...


I suspect this this helps make the code more generic as there are three possible ways to setup WordPress MU that I am aware of...

Return Values

True on success, false on failure.


<?php wpmu_signup_blog_notification($domain$path$title$user$user_email$key); ?>



wpmu_signup_blog calls this function to send the email notification to the end user, the parent function handles the storing of the new user and blog details into the database.


wpmu_signup_user_notification does the same thing except that it is used to notify users who signed up for an account only.