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WPMU wp-cron-dashboard.php

Plugin Name: WP-Cron-Dashboard
Plugin URI: http://
Author: Martin Cleaver and Joost de Valk
Version: 1.0
Author URI: http://martin.cleaver.org/ 
Author URI: http://www.joostdevalk.nl/

// Based on http://blog.slaven.net.au/archives/2007/02/01/timing-is-everything-scheduling-in-wordpress/

function wp_cron_add_pages($s) {
        add_submenu_page('index.php', 'wp-cron', 'WP-Cron', 1, __FILE__, 'wp_cron_menu');
        return $s;
add_action('admin_menu', 'wp_cron_add_pages');

function wp_cron_menu() {
	if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
		wp_unschedule_event($_POST['time'], $_POST['procname']);
		$success = true;
	echo '<div class="wrap">'."\n";
	echo '<h2>Overview of tasks scheduled for WP-Cron</h2>'."\n";
	if ($success) {
		echo "Sucessfully unscheduled ".$_POST['procname']."<br/>\n";
	global $wp_filter;
	print mrjc_show_cron_schedules();
	echo '<br/>'."\n";
	echo "Current date/time is: ".strftime("%c",time());
	echo "</div>";

function mrjc_show_cron_schedules() {
	$timeslots = _get_cron_array();
	if ( empty($timeslots) ) {
		return $ans+"Nothing scheduled";
	$ans = '';
	$count = 1;
	foreach ( $timeslots as $time => $tasks ) {
		$ans .= "Entry #$count: Anytime after ".strftime("%c",$time)." execute tasks: ";
		foreach ($tasks as $procname => $task) {
			$ans .= $procname." \n";
			// Add in delete button for each entry.
			$ans .= '<form method="post">'."\n".'<input type="hidden" name="procname" value="'.$procname.'"/>'."\n";
			$ans .= '<input type="hidden" name="time" value="'.$time.'"/>'."\n";
			$ans .= '<input name="submit" style="float:right; margin-top: -20px;" type="submit" value="Delete"/>'."\n".'</form>'."\n";
		$ans .= "<br/>\n";
	return $ans;
