
Description Description

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File: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php

	public function prepare_items() {
		include( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php' );

		global $tabs, $tab, $paged, $type, $theme_field_defaults;
		wp_reset_vars( array( 'tab' ) );

		$search_terms  = array();
		$search_string = '';
		if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ) {
			$search_string = strtolower( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['s'] ) );
			$search_terms  = array_unique( array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $search_string ) ) ) );

		if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['features'] ) ) {
			$this->features = $_REQUEST['features'];

		$paged = $this->get_pagenum();

		$per_page = 36;

		// These are the tabs which are shown on the page,
		$tabs              = array();
		$tabs['dashboard'] = __( 'Search' );
		if ( 'search' === $tab ) {
			$tabs['search'] = __( 'Search Results' );
		$tabs['upload']   = __( 'Upload' );
		$tabs['featured'] = _x( 'Featured', 'themes' );
		//$tabs['popular']  = _x( 'Popular', 'themes' );
		$tabs['new']     = _x( 'Latest', 'themes' );
		$tabs['updated'] = _x( 'Recently Updated', 'themes' );

		$nonmenu_tabs = array( 'theme-information' ); // Valid actions to perform which do not have a Menu item.

		/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/theme-install.php */
		$tabs = apply_filters( 'install_themes_tabs', $tabs );

		 * Filters tabs not associated with a menu item on the Install Themes screen.
		 * @since 2.8.0
		 * @param string[] $nonmenu_tabs The tabs that don't have a menu item on
		 *                               the Install Themes screen.
		$nonmenu_tabs = apply_filters( 'install_themes_nonmenu_tabs', $nonmenu_tabs );

		// If a non-valid menu tab has been selected, And it's not a non-menu action.
		if ( empty( $tab ) || ( ! isset( $tabs[ $tab ] ) && ! in_array( $tab, (array) $nonmenu_tabs ) ) ) {
			$tab = key( $tabs );

		$args = array(
			'page'     => $paged,
			'per_page' => $per_page,
			'fields'   => $theme_field_defaults,

		switch ( $tab ) {
			case 'search':
				$type = isset( $_REQUEST['type'] ) ? wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['type'] ) : 'term';
				switch ( $type ) {
					case 'tag':
						$args['tag'] = array_map( 'sanitize_key', $search_terms );
					case 'term':
						$args['search'] = $search_string;
					case 'author':
						$args['author'] = $search_string;

				if ( ! empty( $this->features ) ) {
					$args['tag']      = $this->features;
					$_REQUEST['s']    = implode( ',', $this->features );
					$_REQUEST['type'] = 'tag';

				add_action( 'install_themes_table_header', 'install_theme_search_form', 10, 0 );

			case 'featured':
				// case 'popular':
			case 'new':
			case 'updated':
				$args['browse'] = $tab;

				$args = false;

		 * Filters API request arguments for each Install Themes screen tab.
		 * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$tab`, refers to the theme install
		 * tabs. Default tabs are 'dashboard', 'search', 'upload', 'featured',
		 * 'new', and 'updated'.
		 * @since 3.7.0
		 * @param array $args An array of themes API arguments.
		$args = apply_filters( "install_themes_table_api_args_{$tab}", $args );

		if ( ! $args ) {

		$api = themes_api( 'query_themes', $args );

		if ( is_wp_error( $api ) ) {
			wp_die( $api->get_error_message() . '</p> <p><a href="#" onclick="document.location.reload(); return false;">' . __( 'Try again' ) . '</a>' );

		$this->items = $api->themes;

				'total_items'     => $api->info['results'],
				'per_page'        => $args['per_page'],
				'infinite_scroll' => true,

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