
Method: Sets up all of the variables required by the WordPress environment.

Source: wp-includes/class-wp.php:735

Used by 1 function | Uses 8 functions


Action Hook: Fires once the WordPress environment has been set up.

Source: wp-includes/class-wp.php:750

Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions


Action Hook: Fires once all query variables for the current request have been parsed.

Source: wp-includes/class-wp.php:387

Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions


Filter Hook: Filters the HTTP headers before they’re sent to the browser.

Source: wp-includes/class-wp.php:485

Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions


Action Hook: Fires once the requested HTTP headers for caching, content type, etc. have been sent.

Source: wp-includes/class-wp.php:525

Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions


Class: WordPress environment setup class.

Source: wp-includes/class-wp.php:8

Used by 0 functions | Uses 0 functions


Filter Hook: Filters the query variables whitelist before processing.

Source: wp-includes/class-wp.php:287

Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions


Filter Hook: Filters the array of parsed query variables.

Source: wp-includes/class-wp.php:378

Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions