Function: Retrieve cron jobs ready to be run.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:843
Function: Retrieve cron jobs ready to be run.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:843
Filter Hook: Filter to preflight or hijack retrieving ready cron jobs.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:855
Filter Hook: Filter the schedule for a hook.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:830
Filter Hook: Filter to preflight or hijack rescheduling of events.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:268
Filter Hook: Filter to preflight or hijack unscheduling of events.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:328
Filter Hook: Filter to preflight or hijack clearing a scheduled hook.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:387
Filter Hook: Filter to preflight or hijack clearing all events attached to the hook.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:446
Function: Retrieve a scheduled event.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:496
Filter Hook: Filter to preflight or hijack retrieving a scheduled event.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:515
Filter Hook: Filter to preflight or hijack scheduling an event.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:77
Function: Unschedules all events attached to the hook.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:430
Function: Unschedule a previously scheduled event.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:306
Function: Upgrade a Cron info array.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:937
Function: Unschedules all events attached to the hook with the specified arguments.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:363
Function: Retrieve the next timestamp for an event.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:574
Function: Sends a request to run cron through HTTP request that doesn’t halt page loading.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:592
Filter Hook: Filters the cron request arguments.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:676
Function: Run scheduled callbacks or spawn cron for all scheduled events.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:709
Function: Retrieve supported event recurrence schedules.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:776
Filter Hook: Filters the non-default cron schedules.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:798
Function: Retrieve the recurrence schedule for an event.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:813
Function: Schedule a recurring event.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:151
Function: Retrieve cron info array option.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:895
Function: Reschedule a recurring event.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:216
Function: Updates the CRON option with the new CRON array.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:921
Function: Schedules an event to run only once.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:34
Filter Hook: Modify an event before it is scheduled.
Source: wp-includes/cron.php:103