Function: Helper function listing HTML attributes containing a URL.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:964
Function: Helper function listing HTML attributes containing a URL.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:964
Filter Hook: Filters the list of attributes that are required to contain a URL.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:995
Function: Navigates through an array, object, or scalar, and sanitizes content for allowed HTML tags for post content.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1947
Function: Finds all attributes of an HTML element.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1367
Function: Builds an attribute list from string containing attributes.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1418
Function: Determines whether an attribute is allowed.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1154
Function: Filters one attribute only and ensures its value is allowed.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:752
Function: Sanitize content with allowed HTML Kses rules.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1898
Function: Sanitize content for allowed HTML tags for post content.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1915
Function: Sanitizes content for allowed HTML tags for post content.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1932
Function: Strips all of the HTML in the content.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1961
Function: Adds all Kses input form content filters.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1976
Function: Removes all Kses input form content filters.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:2005
Function: Sets up most of the Kses filters for input form content.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:2028
Function: Filters an inline style attribute and removes disallowed rules.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:2045
Filter Hook: Filters list of allowed CSS attributes.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:2068
Function: Helper function to add global attributes to a tag in the allowed html list.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1962
Function: Sanitizes content from bad protocols and other characters.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1659
Function: Callback for wp_kses_bad_protocol_once() regular expression.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1440
Function: Converts and fixes HTML entities.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1725
Function: Removes all attributes, if none are allowed for this element.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1105
Function: Callback for `wp_kses_normalize_entities()` regular expression.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1750
Function: Builds an attribute list from string containing attributes.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1223
Function: Callback for wp_kses_normalize_entities() regular expression.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1517
Function: Performs different checks for attribute values.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1474
Function: Callback for wp_kses_normalize_entities() for regular expression.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1544
Function: Sanitize string from bad protocols.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1553
Function: Helper function to determine if a Unicode value is valid.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1820
Function: Removes any invalid control characters in a text string.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1580
Function: Convert all entities to their character counterparts.
Source: wp-includes/kses.php:1839