Function: Cleans the necessary caches after specific site data has been updated.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:1265
Function: Cleans the necessary caches after specific site data has been updated.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:1265
Function: Updates the `blog_public` option for a given site ID.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:1279
Function: Sets the last changed time for the ‘sites’ cache group.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:1294
Function: Aborts calls to site meta if it is not supported.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:1308
Function: Updates the count of sites for a network based on a changed site.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:1118
Function: Triggers actions on site status updates.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:1139
Function: Removes metadata matching criteria from a site.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:1055
Function: Retrieves metadata for a site.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:1071
Function: Updates metadata for a site.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:1093
Function: Deletes everything from site meta matching meta key.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:1105
Function: Adds metadata to a site.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:1036
Function: Validates data for a site prior to inserting or updating in the database.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:576
Function: Runs the initialization routine for a given site.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:654
Filter Hook: Filters the arguments for initializing a site.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:695
Function: Runs the uninitialization routine for a given site.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:785
Function: Checks whether a site is initialized.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:907
Filter Hook: Filters the check for whether a site is initialized before the database is accessed.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:926
Filter Hook: Filters passed site data in order to normalize it.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:479
Action Hook: Fires when data should be validated for a site prior to inserting or updating in the database.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:499
Function: Normalizes data for a site prior to inserting or updating in the database.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:521
Function: Updates metadata cache for list of site IDs.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:382
Function: Prepares site data for insertion or update in the database.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:461
Function: Inserts a new site into the database.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:36
Action Hook: Fires once a site has been inserted into the database.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:79
Action Hook: Fires when a site’s initialization routine should be executed.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:95
Function: Updates a site in the database.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:142
Action Hook: Fires once a site has been updated in the database.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:180
Function: Deletes a site from the database.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:195
Action Hook: Fires before a site should be deleted from the database.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:220
Action Hook: Fires when a site’s uninitialization routine should be executed.
Source: wp-includes/ms-site.php:244