Function: Populate global variables with information about the currently logged in user.
Source: wp-includes/pluggable-deprecated.php:48
Function: Populate global variables with information about the currently logged in user.
Source: wp-includes/pluggable-deprecated.php:48
Source: wp-includes/pluggable-deprecated.php:199
Source: wp-includes/pluggable-deprecated.php:200
Source: wp-includes/pluggable-deprecated.php:204
Function: Changes the current user by ID or name.
Source: wp-includes/pluggable-deprecated.php:32
Function: Retrieve user info by login name.
Source: wp-includes/pluggable-deprecated.php:66
Function: Retrieve user info by email.
Source: wp-includes/pluggable-deprecated.php:83
Function: Sets a cookie for a user who just logged in. This function is deprecated.
Source: wp-includes/pluggable-deprecated.php:104
Function: Clears the authentication cookie, logging the user out. This function is deprecated.
Source: wp-includes/pluggable-deprecated.php:121
Function: Gets the user cookie login. This function is deprecated.
Source: wp-includes/pluggable-deprecated.php:141
Function: Checks a users login information and logs them in if it checks out. This function is deprecated.
Source: wp-includes/pluggable-deprecated.php:171