Function: Compares a list of sidebars with their widgets against a whitelist.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:1415
Function: Compares a list of sidebars with their widgets against a whitelist.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:1415
Function: Compares a list of sidebars with their widgets against a whitelist.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:1240
Function: Checks if a sidebar is registered.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:308
Action Hook: Fires after all default WordPress widgets have been registered.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:1715
Function: Display the RSS entries in a list.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:1437
Function: Display RSS widget options form.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:1548
Function: Process RSS feed widget data and optionally retrieve feed items.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:1629
Function: Registers all of the default WordPress widgets on startup.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:1667
Function: Handle sidebars config after theme change
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:1159
Function: Look for “lost” widgets, this has to run at least on each theme change.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:1182
Function: Retrieve default registered sidebars list.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:998
Action Hook: Fires before a widget’s display callback is called.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:767
Function: Convert the widget settings from single to multi-widget format.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:1022
Action Hook: Fires after widgets are rendered in a dynamic sidebar.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:787
Function: Output an arbitrary widget as a template tag.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:1099
Filter Hook: Filters whether a sidebar has widgets.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:801
Action Hook: Fires before rendering the requested widget.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:1133
Function: Whether widget is displayed on the front end.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:831
Function: Retrieves the widget ID base value.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:1147
Function: Determines whether the dynamic sidebar is enabled and used by the theme.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:870
Function: Determines whether a sidebar is in use.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:897
Filter Hook: Filters whether a dynamic sidebar is considered “active”.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:911
Function: Remove control callback for widget.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:615
Function: Retrieve full list of sidebars and their widget instance IDs.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:933
Function: Display dynamic sidebar.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:634
Filter Hook: Filters the list of sidebars and their widgets.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:963
Action Hook: Fires before widgets are rendered in a dynamic sidebar.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:671
Function: Set the sidebar widget option to update sidebars.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:975
Filter Hook: Filters the parameters passed to a widget’s display callback.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:738
Function: Retrieve description for widget.
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:396