insert_with_markers( string $filename, string $marker, array|string $insertion )

Inserts an array of strings into a file (.htaccess ), placing it between BEGIN and END markers.

Description Description

Replaces existing marked info. Retains surrounding data. Creates file if none exists.

Parameters Parameters


(string) (Required) Filename to alter.


(string) (Required) The marker to alter.


(array|string) (Required) The new content to insert.

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Return Return

(bool) True on write success, false on failure.

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Source Source

File: wp-admin/includes/misc.php

function insert_with_markers( $filename, $marker, $insertion ) {
	if ( ! file_exists( $filename ) ) {
		if ( ! is_writable( dirname( $filename ) ) ) {
			return false;
		if ( ! touch( $filename ) ) {
			return false;
	} elseif ( ! is_writeable( $filename ) ) {
		return false;

	if ( ! is_array( $insertion ) ) {
		$insertion = explode( "\n", $insertion );

	$start_marker = "# BEGIN {$marker}";
	$end_marker   = "# END {$marker}";

	$fp = fopen( $filename, 'r+' );
	if ( ! $fp ) {
		return false;

	// Attempt to get a lock. If the filesystem supports locking, this will block until the lock is acquired.
	flock( $fp, LOCK_EX );

	$lines = array();
	while ( ! feof( $fp ) ) {
		$lines[] = rtrim( fgets( $fp ), "\r\n" );

	// Split out the existing file into the preceding lines, and those that appear after the marker
	$pre_lines    = $post_lines = $existing_lines = array();
	$found_marker = $found_end_marker = false;
	foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
		if ( ! $found_marker && false !== strpos( $line, $start_marker ) ) {
			$found_marker = true;
		} elseif ( ! $found_end_marker && false !== strpos( $line, $end_marker ) ) {
			$found_end_marker = true;
		if ( ! $found_marker ) {
			$pre_lines[] = $line;
		} elseif ( $found_marker && $found_end_marker ) {
			$post_lines[] = $line;
		} else {
			$existing_lines[] = $line;

	// Check to see if there was a change
	if ( $existing_lines === $insertion ) {
		flock( $fp, LOCK_UN );
		fclose( $fp );

		return true;

	// Generate the new file data
	$new_file_data = implode(
			array( $start_marker ),
			array( $end_marker ),

	// Write to the start of the file, and truncate it to that length
	fseek( $fp, 0 );
	$bytes = fwrite( $fp, $new_file_data );
	if ( $bytes ) {
		ftruncate( $fp, ftell( $fp ) );
	fflush( $fp );
	flock( $fp, LOCK_UN );
	fclose( $fp );

	return (bool) $bytes;

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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
1.5.0 Introduced.

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