Function: Generate a permalink for a taxonomy term archive.
Source: wp-includes/taxonomy.php:4155
Function: Generate a permalink for a taxonomy term archive.
Source: wp-includes/taxonomy.php:4155
Function: Retrieves metadata for a term.
Source: wp-includes/taxonomy.php:1249
Function: Retrieve term parents with separator.
Source: wp-includes/category-template.php:1323
Function: Sanitizes Term for editing.
Source: wp-includes/taxonomy.php:1074
Function: Retrieve theme data.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:2921
Function: Retrieve list of themes with theme data in theme directory.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:2890
Function: Retrieve theme data from parsed theme file.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:3059
Function: Retrieve list of WordPress theme features (aka theme tags)
Source: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:258
Function: Retrieves the path of a file in the theme.
Source: wp-includes/link-template.php:4253
Function: Retrieves the URL of a file in the theme.
Source: wp-includes/link-template.php:4192
Function: Retrieve theme modification value for the current theme.
Source: wp-includes/theme.php:895
Function: Retrieve all theme modifications.
Source: wp-includes/theme.php:864
Function: Retrieve path to themes directory.
Source: wp-includes/theme.php:570
Function: Retrieve theme roots.
Source: wp-includes/theme.php:370
Function: Retrieve URI for themes directory.
Source: wp-includes/theme.php:608
Function: Expand a theme’s starter content configuration using core-provided data.
Source: wp-includes/theme.php:2011
Function: Gets the theme support arguments passed when registering that support
Source: wp-includes/theme.php:2640
Source: wp-admin/includes/update.php:496
Function: Retrieve the update link if there is a theme update available.
Source: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:164
Function: Retrieves the description for an author, post type, or term archive.
Source: wp-includes/general-template.php:1584
Function: Retrieve the archive title based on the queried object.
Source: wp-includes/general-template.php:1496
Function: Retrieve HTML content of attachment image with link.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:1842
Function: Retrieve the author of the current post.
Source: wp-includes/author-template.php:23
Function: Retrieve the AIM address of the author of the current post.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:1540
Function: Retrieve the description of the author of the current post.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:1306
Function: Retrieve the email of the author of the current post.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:1436
Function: Retrieve the first name of the author of the current post.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:1358
Function: Retrieve the ICQ number of the author of the current post.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:1462
Function: Retrieve the ID of the author of the current post.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:1607
Function: Retrieve the last name of the author of the current post.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:1384