Function: Set the uninstallation hook for a plugin.
Source: wp-includes/plugin.php:824
Function: Set the uninstallation hook for a plugin.
Source: wp-includes/plugin.php:824
Function: Register a widget
Source: wp-includes/widgets.php:112
Function: Registers widget control callback for customizing options.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:2169
Function: Outputs rel=canonical for singular queries.
Source: wp-includes/link-template.php:3729
Function: Converts all accent characters to ASCII characters.
Source: wp-includes/formatting.php:1596
Function: Removes a function from a specified action hook.
Source: wp-includes/plugin.php:570
Function: Remove all of the hooks from an action.
Source: wp-includes/plugin.php:583
Function: Remove all of the hooks from a filter.
Source: wp-includes/plugin.php:303
Function: Clear all shortcodes.
Source: wp-includes/shortcodes.php:108
Function: Remove custom background support.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:3044
Function: Remove image header support.
Source: wp-includes/deprecated.php:3007
Function: Removes all visual editor stylesheets.
Source: wp-includes/theme.php:1937
Function: Removes a function from a specified filter hook.
Source: wp-includes/plugin.php:278
Function: Remove a new image size.
Source: wp-includes/media.php:306
Function: Remove a top-level admin menu.
Source: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1557
Function: Removes a meta box from one or more screens.
Source: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1338
Function: Unregister a setting
Source: wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php:183
Function: Removes a list of options from the options whitelist.
Source: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1992
Function: Removes a permalink structure.
Source: wp-includes/rewrite.php:230
Function: Remove support for a feature from a post type.
Source: wp-includes/post.php:1787
Function: Removes an item or items from a query string.
Source: wp-includes/functions.php:990
Function: Removes an existing rewrite tag (like %postname%).
Source: wp-includes/rewrite.php:185
Function: Remove role, if it exists.
Source: wp-includes/capabilities.php:783
Function: Removes hook for shortcode.
Source: wp-includes/shortcodes.php:91
Function: Remove an admin submenu.
Source: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1581
Function: Remove theme modification name from current theme list.
Source: wp-includes/theme.php:962
Function: Remove theme modifications option for current theme.
Source: wp-includes/theme.php:984
Function: Allows a theme to de-register its support of a certain feature
Source: wp-includes/theme.php:2676
Function: Remove a user from a blog.
Source: wp-includes/ms-functions.php:233
Function: Renders a single block into a HTML string.
Source: wp-includes/blocks.php:175