
Outputs the templates used by playlists.

Description Description

Source Source

File: wp-includes/media.php

function wp_underscore_playlist_templates() {
<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-wp-playlist-current-item">
	<# if ( data.image ) { #>
	<img src="{{ data.thumb.src }}" alt="" />
	<# } #>
	<div class="wp-playlist-caption">
		<span class="wp-playlist-item-meta wp-playlist-item-title">
			/* translators: playlist item title */
			printf( _x( '&#8220;%s&#8221;', 'playlist item title' ), '{{ data.title }}' );
		<# if ( data.meta.album ) { #><span class="wp-playlist-item-meta wp-playlist-item-album">{{ data.meta.album }}</span><# } #>
		<# if ( data.meta.artist ) { #><span class="wp-playlist-item-meta wp-playlist-item-artist">{{ data.meta.artist }}</span><# } #>
<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-wp-playlist-item">
	<div class="wp-playlist-item">
		<a class="wp-playlist-caption" href="{{ data.src }}">
			{{ data.index ? ( data.index + '. ' ) : '' }}
			<# if ( data.caption ) { #>
				{{ data.caption }}
			<# } else { #>
				<span class="wp-playlist-item-title">
					/* translators: playlist item title */
					printf( _x( '&#8220;%s&#8221;', 'playlist item title' ), '{{{ data.title }}}' );
				<# if ( data.artists && data.meta.artist ) { #>
				<span class="wp-playlist-item-artist"> &mdash; {{ data.meta.artist }}</span>
				<# } #>
			<# } #>
		<# if ( data.meta.length_formatted ) { #>
		<div class="wp-playlist-item-length">{{ data.meta.length_formatted }}</div>
		<# } #>

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Version Description
3.9.0 Introduced.

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